Page 24 of Stolen


“Then, trust me.” Jacob grinned again, as he moved back toward the other side of the bar. “And learn how to let someone else be in charge for once.”




Why was controlling myself around Leo always such a challenge? When he’d been begging me to take him at the bar, I almost caved, ready and willing to plunge my cock inside him.

But I knew better. I knew that Leo still had a job to do, and the last thing I wanted was to become a reason he missed something important, ending up as just another stressful thing to manage on his plate. Still, I’d meant what I’d said about fucking him tonight.

I just needed to find the right time.

“Diego! What are you doing? You’re supposed to be looking natural,” Leo called out as he stood behind Tommy. Everyone was hanging out on the terrace for another impromptu photoshoot after dinner. There were fireplaces and couches on the terrace, giving it a cozy feeling with the snow piled up outside the large windows.

But the problem with the terrace was that it wascozyin the traditional sense, too, which meant that a bunch of buff guys were taking up way too much space. The set-up for thephotoshoot looked like they were nearly on top of each other, with barely enough space to come up for air between them.

“What do you expect me to do? I can barely fit in the picture!” Diego yelled back as he awkwardly folded his arm around Andrew’s waist, trying to give himself more room.

“If we pose like this, people are going to definitely think we’re a thing,” Andrew replied. “You know I don’t care about stuff like that, but my girlfriend might get a little pissed.”

“You two would be a cute couple, actually,” Keith joked. “Should I hold Chris’ waist, too? Make it look like we’re all one, big orgy of a group?”

“Shut the fuck up, Keith.” Tommy casually flipped him off. “They’re right though, Leo. Everyone does look like they’re romantically involved with each other.”

“It’s progressive!” Leo started before he immediately deflated. “Although, if it comes out that it’s just a queer-baiting PR stunt, the internet is going to roast me over an open fire.”

“You don’t need to do stunts, boss. You’re better than that.”

“What if we split them up?” I suggested, chiming into the conversation. “Let some of the guys take photos here, and the others on the other side of the room? And then, once we have all the shots, we can play around with editing? Make the room seem bigger than it is?”

“We can make the room look much smaller than it is, too, just leaning into it,” Tommy replied. “Play with different aspects, dimensions. Maybe make it anAlice in Wonderlandthing?”

“Athletes in Wonderland.” Leo’s eyes lit up as he spoke. “That’s fucking perfect!”

“Hold it,Diego! Hold it! Hold it!” Tommy was snapping away as Diego held onto a burning stick, something we’d dug out of the kindling from the fireplace. He looked like a magical wizard, ready to cast a spell with his shirtless chest and intense gaze.

Meanwhile, Chris was in a full suit and tie at a table right next to Diego, wearing a bored expression. He also had an expensive watch on both of his wrists, a subtle reference to a time-challenged rabbit.

“This is so weird.” Leo sounded like he was enchanted by what he was seeing. “Mark my words: This will be the shoot that has everyone talking. This is the kind of stuff designers love.”

I started to respond, but just as I did, I noticed Keith looking over at Leo. He was in his own photoshoot, stripes painted across his skin like the Cheshire cat. Based on what Leo had told me about Keith earlier, this was the perfect character for him to reference, one that was absolutely up to no good.

I looked away from Keith, wanting to pretend like his presence didn’t bother me. Even so, just knowing that he was playing some kind of mind game with Leo made my blood boil. Leo didn’t deserve to be treated like that, and Keith didn’t have the right to do whatever he wanted just because he could?—

“Is it you?” Keith was suddenly standing right next to me, a wide smile plastered on his face.


It was like he was method acting.

“What are you talking about?” I didn’t make eye contact as we spoke, not wanting to make him feel comfortable approaching me.

“You’re watching Leo.”

“We’re all watching Leo. He’s directing the shoot.” I scoffed. “You should probably be watching him right now, too, so you know what you’re supposed to be doing in the photos.”