Page 20 of Stolen

Because what was more natural to an athlete than working out?

“Those look great.” I smiled as I spoke. “Seriously, Tommy. This is really good stuff.”

“So, you think we should keep going?”

“Absolutely. Check in with me again pretty soon, yeah?”

“Will do, boss.” Tommy saluted me as he went back toward the other photographers. I watched as they set up a few shoots centered on Chris, just as he did some kind of flip underneath the water.

This was going to work.

I let out a quiet sigh of relief just as I smiled again, this time to myself. What had started off as a disaster of a situation was turning into something not only salvageable but maybe even preferable, with the way the shots had been coming out. It wasn’t hard to imagine the PR side of it either, spinning this week stuck in the snow as a retreat from the guys’ time in the spotlight, maybe saying that this is how they got to know more about themselves and how they’re not just athletes, they’re people, too?—

“I know that look.” Keith’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

Inside my head, I was flipping him the bird with both hands. “What do you want, Keith?”

“I just want you to tell me the truth.” He beamed. “Because I think we both know that you’re fucking someone, Leo.”

“Fuck you.” My face went red, as embarrassment flooded my veins.


Did Keith hear me and Jacob yesterday? Has Keith been going around telling people that I’ve been fucking someone on the job?

“It’s not my fault you’re as easy to read as an open book.” He laughed before he nodded toward the rest of the guys. “So? Who is it?”

“You think I’m sleeping with one of the clients?”

“You have a type, don’t you?” He shrugged. “There’s no point in fucking someone if you don’t get your fifteen minutes of fame, right?”

“Fifteen minutes of—” My eyes went wide. “Keith, are you seriously suggesting that the only reason we were together is because I’m some sort of fame fucker?”

“You’re telling me that I’m wrong?”

“I loved you, you asshole!” All of my embarrassment had been replaced by nothing but rage. “I really thought we could’vebeen something real, but you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants?—”

“Hey, calm down, tater tot?—”

“You don’t get to call me that anymore!”

“Who’s fucking you, tater tot?” Keith took a step closer to me. “All I need you to do is point them out for me.”

“Oh, my God.” Realization washed over me like a cold shower. “You didn’t seriously think I was fucking you for attention, did you? You’re just trying to rattle me. You’re just trying to get in my head.”

“I won’t lie. It is a very pretty head.” Keith grinned.

And my stomach soured. “Were you flirting with Jacob this whole time just to make me jealous?”

“Who’s Jacob?”

“Oh, my God. I need to go.” I started walking away from him. “And you need to get over there with Tommy. Maybe focus on your job instead of this bullshit?”

“Whatever you say, tater tot.”

“Hey. Are you okay?”

It was the first thing Jacob said to me when I found him sitting at the second-floor café, with a fresh coffee in his hand. He motioned for me to take a seat next to him, and I quickly slid into it, my mind still racing from my conversation with Keith.