“Hailey! Hailey Warren!”
My head snaps up. That voice…
And then I see him. Simon, pushing his way through the throng towards me.
“Simon!” Relief crashes over me like a wave. “Please, I need to get inside, I need to see him?—”
He reaches me, grasping my arms. “I know,” he says urgently. “Come with me, quickly.”
He turns to the guards, who snap to attention at his approach. “This woman is with me. She is to be granted entry immediately.”
The guards exchange glances but step aside, allowing Simon to usher me through the gates. We hurry across the grounds, Simon’s hand at my elbow.
“The ceremony is in the gardens,” he explains tersely. “We must hurry.”
My heart is in my throat as we race through the halls, bursting out into the sunlight once more. And there, in the distance, I see him.
Luca stands at the front of a sea of guests, resplendent in his ceremonial robes. My breath catches; he’ll never see me all the way over here. But then, as if he senses my presence, his head turns.
And his eyes meet mine.
Time seems to slow. The noise of the crowd fades away until there is only him, only me.
“Come on.” Simon leads me along a roped-off section protected by security. We carve a path up to the stage as Luca comes down it.
The crowd whispers in excitement, everyone wondering what’s going on as Luca strides towards me, his robes billowing behind him. The moment he reaches me, his hands come up to cup my face, the electricity rippling through us.
“Hailey,” he breathes. “You came back.”
Tears spring to my eyes. “I had to,” I whisper. “I couldn’t leave after you… what you said.”
Something fierce and wonderful blazes in his eyes. He leans down, his forehead touching mine. “I am sorry for saying it would be best to keep the baby always a secret. I didn’t mean it. I love you. More than anything.”
“I love you, too,” I breathe.
“Come.” His fingers lace through mine, and he leads me onto the stage. My heart races as I feel the eyes of thousands of people on us.
The dignitaries on the stage, some of whom I recognize and some I don’t, look on in shock, probably flabbergasted over what’s happening. Luca doesn’t seem to care, though.
“People of Werdenfeld,” he declares, his voice ringing out strong and clear. “I present to you the woman I love. The mother of your future monarch. My soon-to-be queen.”
A gasp runs through the crowd, quickly followed by a rising swell of cheers. I stand tall at Luca’s side, my heart so full it could burst.
“I’m so sorry for everything,” he murmurs, turning to face me. “I never should have let you go. You and our baby — you’re my world.”
Emotion clogs my throat. “I was so afraid you were ashamed of me. Of us. I thought…”
“I’m sorry,” he says, gaze raking across my face. “I handled the situation all wrong.”
Tears slip down my cheeks. This man, this king, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted. And by some miracle, he wants me too.
The cheering of the crowd grows louder, more insistent. Cameras are aimed on us, and I dimly become aware of the fact that a big portion of the world is watching. But I don’t even care. Luca and I are in our own little world.
He grins at me, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “What do you say we give the people what they want?”
I laugh, exhilarated and completely in love. “By all means, Your Majesty.”
He sweeps me into his arms and kisses me deeply, passionately. I cling to him, pouring every ounce of my love into the kiss.