“I am,” I confirm, though the words taste bitter on my tongue. “I’ve already informed my editor that I’m resigning.”
Luca’s eyes widen a fraction. “You’re giving up your job in New York?”
“I am.” I lift my chin, meeting his gaze directly. “Nothing is more important to me than our child. If you’re serious about the money, then I want to focus on raising them, not on working.”
Something flickers in his expression, gone too quickly for me to decipher. He clears his throat. “Very well, then. I’ll have my lawyers draw up an official agreement with the new terms.”
I nod, suddenly feeling very tired. The events of the morning hours are catching up with me — the shocking news of my pregnancy, the heated confrontation with Luca, the painful decision to leave behind the life I’ve built.
I just pray I’m not making a huge mistake. That Luca and I can find a way to coexist, to raise this child together despite the complicated circumstances of its conception.
Only time will tell. And no matter what happens, I at least know that I’ll always put my baby first. Yes, it might mean sacrificing my own dreams, maybe even my own happiness, in the process, but that’s a price I’m willing to pay.
Istare blankly at the documents strewn across my desk, the words blurring together into meaningless scribbles. Try as I might, I can’t seem to focus on the trade agreements and diplomatic missives that demand my attention.
My mind keeps circling back to Hailey’s revelation this morning. Pregnant. With my child.
The enormity of it threatens to suffocate me.
I never planned for this. Never wanted the complications that a baby would bring. Especially not now, with my ascension to the throne mere weeks away. The scrutiny on me is already intense — I can only imagine the scandal if word leaks of an illegitimate royal conceived out of wedlock.
And yet… a traitorous part of me thrills at the idea of Hailey bearing my child. Of sealing our connection with a new life created from our passion. It would be so easy to cast duty aside, to marry her and claim her and our baby for all the world to see.
I rake a hand through my hair, frustration simmering in my blood. This is wrong; I can’t afford to indulge in such reckless fantasies. Werdenfeld is looking for me to set an example, to be the kind of man their boys can aspire to be. Anything less than a picture-perfect reign could destabilize my country.
I understand it now, why my father was always so reserved, so committed to putting his people before himself. There was, quite simply, no one else who could do the job.
Abruptly, I shove back from my desk and stride to the window. The meticulously groomed palace grounds stretch out below, and I’m sure they’re beautiful, but right now I can’t see it. All I can see is the mess I’ve made of everything.
A sharp knock at the door interrupts my brooding. “Enter,” I call out, not bothering to turn around.
“Your Majesty.” It’s Geoffrey, my chief of staff. “I have the itinerary for your upcoming diplomatic trip to Prague. The Czech president is eager to discuss expanding trade between our nations.”
The trip. Of course. I’d nearly forgotten, consumed as I am by personal turmoil. But now, the idea of putting some distance between myself and Hailey, if only for a few days, fills me with relief.
“Excellent,” I say briskly, finally facing Geoffrey. “See that the arrangements are finalized. I want to leave as soon as possible. Actually… I’d like to leave today. Give myself some time to get settled in once I arrive there.”
Geoffrey bows. “As you wish, sir.” He hesitates, then adds delicately, “Forgive me for overstepping, but is everything all right? You seem… distracted today.”
“I’m fine,” I bite out. The last thing I need is palace gossip about my state of mind. Soon enough, the entire staff will be filled in on my and Hailey’s, ah, new situation; they’ll also be sworn to secrecy regarding it. “Just eager to serve Werdenfeld to the best of my abilities.”
He leaves, and I don’t allow myself to slow down. If I do, I’ll question what I’m doing, and I can’t have that.
Sending some quick messages to inform the important people of my sudden schedule change, I ring the head housekeeper to have her pack for my trip.
And then I go in search of Hailey.
I could send her a message, but that wouldn’t be right. Yes, I’m running away from my problems for a bit, but at least I can let her know that straight to her face.
After a long hunt, I find her in the library, curled up in an armchair with a book. She looks up as I approach, her warm brown eyes searching my face. She says nothing, instead waiting for me to talk.
I don’t blame her. She likely feels that there’s no point in even trying with me. I’ve let her down irreparably.
I take a deep breath. “I have to go away for a few days. Diplomatic trip to Prague.”