The only difference is that the father of my child happens to be royalty — although in some ways that’s worse. Yes, Luca has enough money to set me and the baby up for life, but he’s also keeping us shut away. I’m starting to feel like, in the face of that, all the money in the world doesn’t matter.

And that… that feels worse than just about anything else I can imagine.

“I’m fine,” I manage, forcing a lightness I don’t feel into my tone. “Just tired. It’s been a lot of work, you know?”

“Oh, I’m sure it is. I’m so proud of you, though. Everyone at work keeps asking about your assignment. They think it’s the greatest thing ever that you’re shadowing Prince Luca!”

The pride in her voice makes my stomach sink. She’ll be happy to become a grandmother, I know, but her opinion about Luca will have to change soon enough — once she finds out the full story.

The conversation winds down, and I end the call with a heavy heart. Staring at the phone in my hand, I hesitate only a moment before dialing Millie’s number. She picks up on the second ring.

“Hailey! God, it’s good to hear from you. How are you holding up in that fancy palace?”

I swallow hard, steeling myself. “Not so good.”

“Oh, no. What happened? Is it Luca? What’s going on between you two?”

“A lot.” With a sigh, I lean against the wall.

“Is the assignment off?” she asks quietly.

“No, that’s still on. Millie, I… I’m pregnant.”

Silence stretches between us, broken only by her sharp intake of breath. “Oh, Hailey,” she murmurs, her voice soft with understanding. “Are you okay?”

The fact that it’s her first question — not “Is it Luca’s?” or “What are you gonna do?” — nearly breaks my heart in the good way. She’s the most amazing friend in the world, and I need her more right now than I ever have.

The dam breaks then, and the whole story since arriving at the palace spills forth, including the night in the pool, finding out I’m pregnant, his insistence on keeping me hidden away, and the aching loneliness that dogs my every step.

“I don’t know what to do,” I confess, my voice breaking. “I thought… I thought maybe we could be a family, but he barely even looks at me.”

Millie is quiet for a long moment, and I can tell that she already knows what she’s gonna say; she’s just figuring out the best way to present it.

“Hailey, I think you need to come home,” she says gently. “This isn’t healthy. For you or the baby. You deserve so much more than being someone’s dirty little secret.”

I bristle at that, mostly because she’s called out my exact, specific fear. And yet an irrational surge of defensiveness rises in my chest.

“I can’t just leave,” I argue. “This baby… it’s Luca’s child, too. They deserve to know their father.”

“And what about whatyoudeserve?” Millie counters. “Hailey, I love you, but I’m scared for you. I don’t want to see you get hurt any more than you already have been.”

“I know.” I close my eyes against the onslaught of tears.

“Honestly,” she says, “how do you even know that Luca will be a good father? He doesn’t seem interested in parenting one bit. Do you see that you’re sticking around at that palace on the very high possibility that he’ll turn out to be a shitty dad, and then you’ll end up wishing you had left sooner?”

I don’t know what to say to that. I’m too worried that she might be right.

“Just think about it,” she whispers.

“I will.” I stare out the window at the gorgeous blue sky. All I havetimeto do when I’m not shadowing Luca is think.

“I have to get the kids to school. I’ll call you soon as I can. I love you.”

“I love you, too.” I end the call, Millie’s words ringing in my ears.

I know she means well, but she doesn’t understand. How could she? She’s never been in love with someone so completely out of reach.

Putting my phone down, I slip on some shoes and wander the palace halls aimlessly, my footsteps echoing in the cavernous space. I’m so lost in my thoughts that I don’t hear the approaching footsteps until they’re right behind me. I turn, my heart leaping into my throat, only to find myself face-to-face with Simon.