I sink into the plush leather, trying to appear calmer than I feel. “You wanted to see me?”

Luca nods, shuffling some papers on his desk. “Yes. We need to discuss your living arrangements.”

I frown, not expecting this topic — or the sudden formality, when just an hour ago he was in my room holding me in his arms. “My living arrangements?”

And why does he seem more interested in whatever’s on those papers than in me? We just found out I’m expecting his child! Surely he can put aside whatever busywork he has for a few minutes.

“I think it would be best if you moved into the palace, at least for the duration of your pregnancy, if not… longer, more permanently.” Finally, he puts the papers down and looks at me.

My eyes widen in surprise. “Move into the palace? But why?”

He sighs, leaning back in his chair. “The public has had enough turmoil lately with the loss of my father. I think it’s best if we keep your pregnancy a secret, at least for now. If you stay here, it will prevent… further tongue-wagging. Especially since we were photographed together in the garden, this is exactly the kind of story my political opponents are looking for in order to bring me down.”

I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Keep my pregnancy a secret? Like it’s something to be ashamed of?

“I see,” I manage to say, my voice tight. “And what about my job? My life in New York?”

He slides a document across the desk. “I’ve taken care of that. You’ll receive a generous stipend, enough that you won’t need to work ever again. As the mother of my child, you and the baby will be set up for life. You will have more than you need. And I’ll make sure your rent in New York is paid for, whether you wish to see the lease out and then move here or… return there.”

I stare at the contract in front of me, a bitter taste in my mouth. Is this what he was doing the rest of the morning? Having his personal lawyer draw up a contract in order to buy my silence?

It’s the opposite of what he gave me in my room earlier. The financial support is there, sure, but that pales in comparison to what I really want: him. His heart, his genuine compassion.

Where is the arm around my shoulder? The promise that we’ll figure this out together, that he’ll stick by my side?

Apparently, his idea of being there for me equates to regular deposits into my bank account.

He’s thought of everything, it seems. Everything except my feelings. He’s treating this like some sort of business deal.

“So that’s it, then?” My voice shakes with anger. “You’re just going to pay me off and hide me away like some dirty little secret?”

His expression hardens. “It’s not like that at all. I’m trying to do what’s best for everyone.”

I stand abruptly, the chair scraping against the floor. “No. You’re doing what’s best foryou. For your precious image.”

I snatch the contract off the desk, crumpling it in my fist. “You can take your contract and shove it up your ass, Your Royal Highness.”

Never in a million years could I have imagined talking to royalty this way, but everything I thought I knew about the man in front of me is crumbling into dust. As the onion peels that are Luca curl back, I’m seeing that he only does what’s right forhim— and no one else.

I could say more. I could curse him out, yell in his face. But instead I storm out of the study, slamming the door behind me. Tears blur my vision as I stalk down the hallway, my heart shattered into a million pieces.

How could I have been so foolish to think that Luca and I could have a future together? To think that he might actually care about me, about our child? Or even — and this one is truly crazy — that our having a baby together might be the catalyst that finally drew us together?

It’s clear now that I was nothing more than a convenient distraction, a problem to be solved with money and contracts.

Well, I won’t be bought off so easily. I won’t let Luca dictate my life or the life of our child. I’ll figure this out on my own, just like I always have. And Luca can go to hell for all I care.

Without a destination in mind, I weave my way through the palace, ignoring the staff around me. I burst out of a back door, the afternoon sun nearly blinding me. My feet act of their own accord, carrying me across the manicured lawn, toward the lush gardens in the distance. I need to get away, to find a quiet place to think.

As I enter the gardens, the scent of roses and honeysuckle envelops me. All at once, my strength gives out and I collapse onto a stone bench, my body shaking with sobs. The crumpled contract falls from my hand, landing on the gravel path. Funny. I hadn’t even realized I was still holding it. But now you couldn’tpayme to pick it back up.

How did everything go so wrong? Just weeks ago, my life was predictable, dependable. I had a good job full of potential, friends I could count on, and my own little apartment to come home to each night. Now those things feel light-years away. On top of it all, my dreams of a happy family have been shattered by Luca’s cold, calculating proposition.

I bury my face in my hands, hot tears streaming down my cheeks. Talk about betrayal. How can I possibly raise a child on my own, without the support of a partner?

But as I sit here, the gentle rustling of leaves and the chirping of birds slowly calm my racing thoughts. I take a deep, shuddering breath, wiping my tears with the back of my hand.

And that’s when it hits me. I’mnotalone in this. I have my mom, who raised me on her own with strength and grace. I have Millie, who’s always been there for me. And most importantly, I have this tiny life growing inside me, depending on me to make the right choices.