But the truth is inescapable. I let my guard down with Hailey, allowed myself a moment of weakness. And now, I’m paying the price.

I can’t let it happen again. And I won’t.



Istare up at the shadowed ceiling of my guest suite, the plush mattress and Egyptian cotton sheets doing nothing to ease the restless ache in my body. That damned photo is seared into my mind — Luca’s face so close to mine, the intensity crackling between us palpable even through the camera lens.

I’m not imagining it, am I? He was feeling something too.

My phone buzzes on the nightstand and I grab it, excited when I see Millie’s name on the screen. And yet, I debate ignoring her call, because I know she’s seen the photo, and it’s not something I really want to explain right now. But, also, I know my best friend won’t give up until she gets the scoop.

I swipe to answer. “Hey, Mill,” I say, striving for nonchalance. “What’s up?”

“Don’t you ‘what’s up’ me, Hailey Warren!” Her voice is a mix of excitement and accusation. “I saw that photo — the wholeworldsaw that photo. You and Prince Luca looked about two seconds away from tearing each other’s clothes off!”

I sit up, switching on the bedside lamp. “It’s not what it looks like,” I insist. “We just… had a moment. But it won’t happen again. Luca and I have agreed to keep things strictly professional.”

Even I can hear the lack of conviction in my voice. I’m a reporter — lying, even to myself, has never been my strong suit.

“Uh-huh,” she says skeptically. “I know you, Hails. I can see right through that ‘professional’ nonsense. You’ve still got it bad for Prince Charming — and don’t try to deny it.”

I flop back against the pillows with a sigh, staring bleakly at the ornate ceiling tiles. Denying my attraction to Luca feels futile, especially to Millie, who knows me better than anyone. But admitting it out loud makes it too real, too dangerous.

I told her — and myself — that I was over Luca, that coming to the palace was nothing but a job. Yet I know, deep down, that’s anything but the truth.

“It doesn’t matter what I feel,” I say finally. “Luca is going to be king. And I’m just… me. What we had in New York is over. There’s no happily ever after for us.”

But oh, some secret part of me wishes there could be, even as my practical side ruthlessly squashes that flickering hope.

“Okay, I’ll stop pushing. For now,” Millie relents. “But Hailey, just… be careful with your heart, okay? You were pretty torn up when he didn’t show at the fountain, and now the stakes are even higher. Falling for a king-to-be is risky business.”

“I know,” I whisper. “Believe me, I know.”

We say our goodnights — or, for her, good afternoons — and I end the call, but Millie’s warning echoes in my head. Sleep continues to elude me as I toss and turn, my body humming with restless energy.

Unable to stand the confines of my bedroom any longer, I throw off the covers and pad over to the dresser. My fingers find the smooth fabric of my deep blue bikini and I slip it on, the act of changing into a swimsuit as natural as breathing. A late-night swim always helps clear my head.

I don’t bother with shoes, and out in the hallway my bare feet sink into the plush carpet. I keep my steps light, not wanting to draw any attention. The indoor pool is located in a secluded ground-floor wing of the palace, and I’m counting on it being deserted at this hour. It’s not off-limits to me, but right now I don’t feel like interacting with anyone.

I just need to be alone. I need silence — real silence, without the constant drumming of the thoughts in my head — and I’m hoping that being submerged in water will help me get there.

As I push open the heavy glass doors, the smell of chlorine wafts over me, both comforting and invigorating. Moonlight streams in through the domed glass ceiling, casting an ethereal glow over the still surface of the water.

I drop my towel onto a nearby lounge chair and step to the edge of the deep end, my toes curling over the cool tile. For a moment, I simply stand there, breathing in the peaceful solitude.

Diving in, I slice through the water with barely a splash, the silky caress of it against my bare skin both soothing and sensual. I surface on the other side, pushing my slicked-back hair from my face.

Here in the sanctuary of the water, I can almost forget the complicated swirl of my feelings for Luca. Almost.

But forgetting him entirely, I’m starting to realize, may be an impossible feat. No matter how much I try to deny it, he’s crept under my skin and burrowed into my heart.

As I float on my back, staring up at the star-speckled night sky through the glass, my thoughts drift back to the garden, back to the way he held my arms — too long, much longer than he needed to after catching me before I fell.

The sound of the door opening startles me out of my reverie. I jerk upright, treading water as I turn to see who else could possibly be awake at this hour.

My heart stutters in my chest as a familiar figure steps into the room, moonlight gleaming off his smooth skin and chiseled physique. Luca.