If only there were a Prince Charming to complete the story.
As I gaze out, a shadowy figure striding purposefully through the gardens catches my eye. I twist my lips, wishing I were down there too.
Curiosity piqued, I make a split-second decision. If sleep is going to evade me anyway, I might as well explore. So, throwing on a light jacket over my silk pajamas, I slip out of the room.
Muted sounds of palace activity echo in the halls, but for the most part everyone is done for the day. Though I pass a few staff members, no one asks where I’m going, leaving me to assume there’s no royal secret around here for me to stumble upon.
Winding my way downstairs, I let myself out a side door. Cool night air kisses my cheeks as I step into the gardens, where the heady scent of jasmine and roses perfumes the breeze.
I follow the cobblestone path, which is lit by solar lights, feeling like a princess myself out here. The further I venture from the palace, the quieter it becomes, until the only sound is the crunch of gravel under my slippers.
Suddenly, I round a corner and collide with something solid. A surprised “oof” escapes my lips as strong hands grab my arms to steady me. I look up and find myself staring into Luca’s piercing blue eyes, mere inches from mine.
My breath catches. “I’m so sorry,” I stammer, cheeks flushing. “I didn’t mean— I was just?—”
But my jumbled words are cut off by the sound of approaching footsteps and another voice.
“Your Majesty! Forgive my intrusion…”
Luca quickly releases me and steps back. A palace staff member appears out of the darkness and drops into a deep bow before Luca, so low his nose nearly brushes the ground. Luca’s jaw clenches and a flash of irritation crosses his handsome features before he quickly schools his expression into one of cool detachment.
“What is it?” he asks, his deep baritone sending a shiver down my spine.
The staff member straightens but remains bent at the waist, eyes downcast. “I wanted to inform you that the kitchen staff is out offoie gras for the luncheon tomorrow. They wanted to know if there was an alternative you’d prefer.”
Luca’s eyes flicker to where I’m still standing, frozen in place, before he answers. “Tell them to use the smoked salmon instead.”
The staff member nods quickly, murmuring a thank-you before hurrying away. Silence settles between us once again, and Luca turns back to me. His gaze is inscrutable in the dim light.
“Couldn’t sleep?” he asks finally, his voice soft.
I shake my head, wrapping my arms around myself for warmth. His question hangs heavy in the air, and I wonder why he’s out here alone at this hour.
“And you?” I ask, unable to keep the curiosity from my voice.
He looks away, towards the dark expanse of gardens behind him. “Sleep doesn’t come easy these days.”
The vulnerability in his admission tugs at my heartstrings and I find myself stepping closer.
“I hate this,” he mutters, more to himself than to me. “The constant bowing and scraping. The ‘Your Highness’ this and ‘Your Majesty’ that. As if I’m some kind of god instead of just a man who happened to be born into this role.”
“It wasn’t like this… before?”
“No.” He sighs at the ground. “Of course, the staff was always available should I need something, but my father was the priority. Now…”
“It’s you.” I pause. “I think they just want to make sure you have everything you need. You’re their new leader, and…” I trail off, realizing that I don’t actually know what I’m talking about here. I’m grasping at straws.
He rakes a hand through his golden hair, disheveling it in a way that makes my fingers itch to smooth it back into place. When his gaze meets mine again, there’s a vulnerability there that catches me off guard.
“Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be normal. To have people look me in the eye and speak to me like an equal, instead of groveling at my feet.”
“Haven’t you ever experienced that?”
“Once.” Something flashes in his eyes, and I know what he’s referring to.
Our time in New York. When he was with me, no one recognized him. And I certainly didn’t treat him like he was something special.
My heart aches for him, this man who seems to have everything and yet covets the simplest of human experiences: the ability to just exist.