For a moment, the world falls away. There is only her. The woman I haven’t been able to stop thinking about since our chance encounter. The woman I was certain I’d never see again.

“Hailey,” I breathe, forgetting protocol, forgetting the dozens of eyes upon us. “What are you doing here?”

Her lips part, but no words emerge. Her face turns pink, and she licks her lips.

Reality crashes back in as my chief of staff clears his throat. “Ms. Warren is here to write a piece on Your Majesty’s first days as sovereign. Didn’t you approve her assignment personally?”

I blink, trying to reconcile the dull memo that crossed my desk with the vibrant woman before me. I’d thought nothing of approving an American journalist. How was I to know it would be her?

Fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humor. Bringing Hailey here, now, when I’m at my lowest. When I’m in no position to explore the connection that sparked between us.

I want to apologize for leaving New York without saying goodbye, to ask her why she didn’t get in touch — as a journalist who interviewed me already, the palace would have accepted a direct message to my desk. All of that is water under the bridge, though, gone in the face of more important matters.

Squaring my shoulders, I incline my head in a regal nod, shoving my tumultuous emotions to the back of my mind.

“Welcome to Werdenfeld, Ms. Warren. It is good to see you again. I look forward to giving you an inside look at our great nation.”

If my voice trembles slightly on the words, I trust no one is gauche enough to comment. Hailey sinks into a graceful curtsy, her eyes never leaving mine.

So it begins. A single, charged look. An assignment that perhaps I should hit the brakes on. I could ask for another reporter, at least. No one would even question me.

But I know how dedicated Hailey is to her career, to showing the heart of her stories. I wish for the world to get to know the true me, the future king, — and the only journalist I know who will do me justice is standing right in front of me.

So it has to be Hailey. There is no one else.

I only pray I’m strong enough to resist temptation. For both our sakes.



The room buzzes around us, the palace a veritable beehive of important activity. I stay planted to the expensive carpet, sweat collecting under my suit.

I knew that seeing Luca again would be hard, but I didn’t think it would bethishard.

My eyes swim with unshed tears as I recall our last night together. His soft smile. The warmth of his hand in mine. All feelings amplified now under the golden chandelier, amongst a sea of unfamiliar faces.

I take a deep breath, ready to introduce myself, to start this arduous journey. But before I can say anything, he speaks my name.

“Hailey.” My name on his lips sounds like a prayer. An apology. A plea.

My heart clenches in my chest, and I freeze, my professional demeanor slipping.

“Your Majesty,” I finally manage to choke out. “I am so sorry to hear about the king. It’s a terrible loss.”

My words are so formal that I want to cringe. It feels wrong to speak to Luca this way, and yet it’s what I must do. We’re standing in the middle of a palace, for God’s sake, surrounded by all sorts of important people.

“Thank you.” Luca’s face is coolly polite now, but his eyes tell a different story. A story of longing and regret. The man who introduced us has moved on, and I almost wish someone would take his place. As much as I want to be alone with Luca, it’s probably the worst thing for me right now.

“You’ve surprised me,” Luca admits after a drawn-out silence, his gaze never leaving mine.

“The feeling is mutual.” My voice shakes slightly around the edges. I will myself to steady my voice, to keep my emotions in check.

A low murmur ripples through the room as other conversations cease, all attention focused on us. Another heavy silence hangs in the air, like a thick fog settling between us. Luca glances at the others in the room, and they quickly divert their attention, suddenly acting as if we are the least interesting thing they’ve seen all day.

“I’m here to do my job,” I tell Luca, injecting more confidence into my tone than I feel. “I hope I won’t cause any inconvenience.”

His eyes flash at that, a moment of raw emotion before he sweeps it away, replacing it with the perfect façade of regal politeness.