Stefan frowns. “I’m not sure that’s wise, sir. Getting… entangled with a reporter?—”

“It’s dinner, Stefan, not a marriage proposal.” I infuse my voice with cool authority. “I’m perfectly capable of handling one friendly meal with a charming woman without causing an international incident.”

He purses his lips but wisely drops the subject with a slight nod. I turn back to the elevator and press the up button, a thrill humming through my blood. Two p.m. at Bethesda Fountain can’t come soon enough.

The elevator is taking its sweet time, and I’m dimly aware of Stefan hovering behind me. My phone buzzes and I glance down. The number on the screen has a Werdenfelden country code. Brow furrowing, I hit accept.


“Your Highness,” comes the choked voice on the other end. It’s Elsa, my father’s head of household. “I’m so terribly sorry but… but the king… he’s gone. He had a massive heart attack on the plane. The doctors… they couldn’t revive him.”

The phone slips from my numb fingers, clattering on the floor.No. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. My father is the strongest man I know. He can’t be…

The world tilts sideways, and black spots dance across my vision. I can’t breathe. I can’t think. This has to be a nightmare.

But it’s not. Stefan’s phone is ringing as well, and I can tell from his wide eyes that he’s receiving the same news. My father has died. He’s gone forever.

Stefan hangs up his phone and says something to me, but it’s muffled, like I’m underwater.Oh, God. My father is dead.

And I am now the king of Werdenfeld.

Despair and panic rip through me as reality sinks in. I’m not ready for this. I can’t fill my father’s shoes, can’t possibly lead a nation. Hot tears sting my eyes but I blink them back. Kings don’t cry.

Stefan rushes to my side, face etched with concern. “Sir, what do you need? What can I do?”

My mind whirls in a daze. “I… I have to get back to Werdenfeld. Immediately.”

He nods. “Of course. I’ll have your things packed up.”

As he pulls out his phone, a flash of brown hair across the lobby crowd catches my eye and makes me think of Hailey.Hailey. Oh, God, Hailey. In the tsunami of grief, I almost forgot. We’re supposed to meet at Bethesda Terrace at two p.m. She’ll be waiting for me, not knowing my entire world just imploded.

I should call her, let her know. Except I don’t have her number. In my rush to leave this morning, I didn’t even think of getting it.

I grab Stefan’s arm. “I need a favor. Please, it’s important.”

“Anything, sir.”

“I was supposed to meet someone, but I don’t have her number. Can you get a message to her? Hailey Warren; she’s the journalist.”

He frowns slightly but nods. “Of course. What’s the message?”

I swallow hard past the lump in my throat. “Tell her… tell her I have to leave, that there’s been a family emergency. That I’m so very sorry but I have to go back to Werdenfeld immediately.”

“I’ll see that she gets it.” He flags down the doorman. “You, there! I have an urgent task for you.”

As Stefan relays the message, I sag against the wall, feeling like I’ve aged a decade in mere minutes. I’m leaving behind the woman who captured my heart, returning to a role I’m vastly unprepared for. But I have no choice. I am the king now.

Duty comes before everything. Even my own heart.



I’ve been sitting by Bethesda Fountain for two hours now, watching happy couples stroll by hand in hand, giggling children chase each other, tourists snap selfies. Two long, long hours… And there’s still no sign of Luca.

Four o’clock. He’s officially two hours late.

An uncomfortable heaviness settles in my chest as reality sinks in: I’ve been stood up. By a real-life Prince Charming who surely has a thousand other eager women lining up to be with him.