“A college fund. I’ve been saving up for you since you left home.”

“Hilarious, Mom,” I say breathing deeply to stop myself from snapping.

“Billie, I’m not joking. It’s not enough to cover everything, but it’s yours. You should take it.”

“I can’t,” I say hoarsely. “I’m pregnant.”

“After, then. You should do it. Follow your heart. And I’ll help you every step of the way. Not that you’ve ever needed my help before.”

My head is still reeling, but she really does mean it. I can see it written all over her face. She’s not playing a game or trying to trap me. She really is trying to understand.

So, I should do the same for her. With a smile, I wrap my arms around her again. “Okay. Let’s do it.”




It’s a series of events that I would have considered impossible just a few months ago, but the second I get the letter in the mail, I go straight over to my mother’s.

Things aren’t perfect between us, but it’s better. We’re speaking and see each other regularly, and she’s helping me with everything I need during this time.

It’s exactly the support I had been yearning for. I can hardly believe that it’s happening.

The second I get in, Mom takes the envelope and tears it open, finding out my fate. She gives very little away as she reads the letter to herself.

“Well? What does it say?”

“You want to know?”

“Yes! Of course I want to know!”

Mom clears her throat and reads aloud. “Dear Ms. Ballard. On behalf of the Nature Photography Awards, we are writing to letyou know that you have been nominated for Wildlife Photograph of the Year.”

I jump into my feet and squeal, clapping my hands together. “Are you for real?”

My mother rolls her eyes in mock disapproval at my outburst. “Would I lie to you?”

I launch at her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and squeezing her tight. “I can’t believe I did it!”

“Ican. Your photos are good.” It’s such a simple sentence, but it’s enough to make me want to skip down the street for joy.

“Where’s the ceremony?” I ask.

She skims the letter again. “New York.”

“Oh. That’s kind of a long way away.”

“Billie, you go to all these tropical islands. Aren’t they far away?”

“Yeah, but that’s different. That’s for work. This is…”

My mother folds her arms at me. “You have to go. This is prestigious. You’d be foolish to miss it.”

“But…” I start weakly. I don’t have a good argument against going. I’m not ready to admit that I don’t want to go without her, though. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

I get a stern, disbelieving look for that. It’s a lame excuse and I know it. “Good job we can fix that, then.”