“Dr. Schröder,” I call, trying to get his attention. He turns to me, blinks in surprise, then comes over.
“Can it really be the famous Prince Jensen?”
I grin and take his hand when he offers it, shaking it firmly. “It’s such a pleasure to meet you. I had no idea that our landscape is under threat so badly, and I want to try and help do something about that. I’d love to learn more. If I can do anything at all, I want to.”
He chuckles kindly. “It is good of you to offer. Between you and me, it is always difficult to get funding for this kind of research.”
“I don’t understand why. This is so important.”
“Yes, it is. I must say, I never realized you were so passionate about this work.”
“I’ve recently had a change of heart about… well, everything. Have you ever heard of Isla Mostaza?”
He nods slowly, a knowing smile growing on his face. “Ah, yes. I did see you had a recent excursion there, yes?”
“Yeah,” I say, trying not to fiddle with the hem of my hoodie. I want to present a professional image to him. Well, as much as I can.
Ugh, I should have worn a suit.
“I am sure you saw much good wildlife there, hmm?”
I’m not sure if he’s making a joke or not, so I just smile warmly. “Yes. I think I discovered a new passion.”
“Well, we are pleased to have a figure like you supporting our work. Here, take my card.” He hands it to me, and I pocket it carefully, like it’s something precious. “You must contact me so we can arrange to meet. Perhaps you could tour with us sometime.”
“Really?” I hear myself lighting up like a child at Christmas, and he chuckles again, taking my hand for another handshake.
“Yes, of course. I would be delighted.”
We talk for a little longer, but then other people want him, and I feel bad for taking up his time. I thank him again for entertaining the idea of me getting involved with his work, then turn to leave the convention hall, feeling like I’m floating.
If only Billie could be here to see.
I’m so wrapped up in the excitement of the day that it’s only when I scroll through my socials on the way home that I realize I was spotted by the press, and people are speculating about the new chapter in my life.
“Look, Anders!” I say, waving the phone at him knowing full well he won’t look while he’s driving. “People are writing about me, and it’s not about my love life. Look, me and science mentioned in the same article.”
“Congratulations, sir,” he says, and though his tone may sound cool, I know he means it.
And I mean this. For the first time in a long time, I’m excited about the future.
I can’t wait to see what’s to come.
The thumping on the door gets more insistent, and I groan. “I’m coming!” I yell. “Hang on!”
Fortunately for my head, the banging stops. I force myself to get up off the bathroom floor, my stomach lurching. I take a deep breath, desperately trying not to throw up again.
I’ve been sick for a few days now, ever since I got back from meeting with Dr. Matthews and her team. I’m blaming all this on the lunch they took me out to. It’s the only time I’ve been out of the house recently, and all it takes is one weird bit of seafood to put you out of action for a while.
It’s annoying, though, because I’m supposed to be meeting with Ella today. Right now, in fact; she’ll be the one at the door.
I should have told her not to bother coming today, feeling like this, but if I’m honest I kind of forgot she was coming.
She rings the doorbell again just as I’m approaching the door. Trying to ignore the rush of nausea that floods through my stomach, I yell, “Oh my God, calm down! I’m coming!”