When I finally get back, I open the door to the cabin very tentatively. I can hear the creaking floorboards of another person in here, but Jensen is nowhere to be seen. Thank God. That means he must be safely hidden away in his room.
I sling my camera down on the table and go through to the kitchen. On the stove is a pot, and I sigh, thinking Jensen must have left dirty dishes out. Unbelievable. I go one day knowing who he really is, and already he’s treating me like a maid.
With a frown, I approach the stove, and that’s when I spot the note. I pick it up and squint at the curly handwriting.
Thought you might be hungry when you got in. J.
I stifle a gasp, not wanting him to hear anything that might make him think he’s won. Damn him for being so thoughtful. Damn him for being so kind.
Damn him for stealing my heart and refusing to give it back.
“Oh! I’m sorry,” I say, throwing up both hands as I nearly crash straight into Billie as she comes out of the kitchen. I take a big step back to give her some space. She smiles awkwardly at me, and the air prickles with tension.
Neither of us quite know how to act around each other anymore. I don’t blame her for not wanting to associate with me since she found out who I was. After all, she’s right. I did lie to her, and I am notorious for my conquests.
She probably thinks that I slept with her just for something to do.
I’m not even sure I could tell her that that wasn’t true and truly believe myself.
But it wasn’t just that. Yes, the sex was great, and she issoattractive, with her pouting lips and perfect breasts, but there was something in our relationship that was unlike anything I’ve ever felt before.
If she would just give me five minutes to try and explain that to her, maybe she would understand that I wasn’t taking advantage of her. If she would let me, I think I could love her.
But that ship has sailed and the bridge has burned, and I don’t want to push her into doing anything she doesn’t want to do.
So, all day yesterday and all day today we’ve been doing our strange little dance to avoid each other. We’re being polite enough to keep things civil, but we don’t quite know what to say either.
I don’t think there is much more to say.
The fact of the matter is I’ve betrayed her completely. And she’s never going to forgive me for that.
This isn’t at all how I thought my stay on the island would go. For a moment, I was under the delusion that our last day here in paradise would be spent in united bliss, me and her out taking photos and being together — well, her taking photos and me being completely useful as a camera holder. And I wouldn’t mind it because that’s basically the whole point of me now. To hold stuff and watch how it’s really done.
I was enjoying it for a time. But I suppose it could never have lasted.
This is what I get for trying to be normal.
As she makes her way into the communal area, she passes me on the sofa. She’s clearly on her way out, but I stop her. “Billie? Sorry to interrupt, but will you be back for dinner?” I give her my best smile to try and win her over. I would love one last meal with her.
Instead, she shrugs. “I don’t know. Why?” Her tone is harsher than I hope she means it to be, but it still pains me to hear her utter disdain for me.
“It’s just, you know, I could make something. If you wanted. You know, take the stress off a little bit.”
She shrugs again and gives me a thin smile. “That would be good, I guess,” she says. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” I beam. It’s not much, but it’s more than anything she’s given me these last couple of days, so I’ll take it.
I miss how easy we used to feel. I miss the way things were when we were friends.
Billie heads out, and I have no doubt she’ll be gone all day, on a joint mission of avoiding me like the plague and trying to make the most of her last day on the island.
After all, she has arealjob to do.
I entertain myself for a while by browsing through a couple of the books on the shelf. I’ve read quite a few of them now, and I’m planning to buy my own copies when I get home.