“He was… abrasive,” I sidestepped. It felt weird to keep the details from Sherry, but I couldn’t make the words leave my mouth. What would she think of me for becoming aroused by the morning’s alley encounter? I didn’t think she would judge me… but I thought she might go after Jax Smith herself. She’d always been protective of me. So, I gave her an abbreviated version of crashing into a man claiming to be a US Marshal, as well as the response when I called their regional office. Sherry’s icy expression when I finished was scary. I could only imagine how she’d look if I’d told her the complete story. The fact that I consented and enjoyed the encounter wouldn’t save the US Marshal.
“What name did he give?”
I didn’t miss that she asked what name he gave as opposed to his actual name; she understood he might have lied. “Jax Smith.”
Sherry closed her eyes to think. From experience, I knew she was running through her mental Rolodex of people. Her eyes popped open, and she shook her head. “Doesn’t ring a bell.”
“Damn, I had hoped… he said he was part of a task force. Wouldn’t they inform the department about a task force?”
A single shoulder lifted. “Maybe. Just because I’m not informed, doesn’t mean the department isn’t informed. Or that they are informed.”
“That’s helpful,” I said, grabbing a chip and stabbing the guacamole with it.
“What did that guac ever do to you?”
I chewed the chip, reveling in the deliciousness. Honestly, was there any better combination on the planet than a margarita with chips and guacamole?
Sherry waved her hand in front of my face. “Earth to Mel. It’s too early for a food coma.”
“No need. What did he look like?”
Another suck of margarita through the straw as an unbidden image of Jax Smith resurfaced, all mirrored sunglasses and kissable lips.
“What just went through your mind?”
Ugh, I should have known she wouldn’t miss that. “He was rather good-looking,” I admitted.
Sherry quirked an eyebrow.
“He was very tall,” I elaborated. “About a foot taller than me, I would guess.”
“Damn, he’s a real giant, then.”
“Pretty much. He honestly looked like a pro football player. Wide-ass shoulders, rippling muscles everywhere, very nice suit.”
Sherry smirked. “How exactly would you see rippling shoulders through a very nice suit?”
I flushed and sucked at more margarita. There wouldn’t be much left at this rate. “Just an educated guess from how solid he looked.”
“Fair enough.”
“Besides, I told you he was good-looking,” I protested.
“You did.” She grew serious. “But you have concerns.”
I nodded. “Since the Marshals’ office wouldn’t confirm or deny if he’s an agent, and you can’t confirm or deny either, I’m not sure how to gain any information.”
Sherry snapped her fingers. “Shit, I can’t believe I forgot.”
Eagerness swept me. “What?”
“There’s a dude looks exactly like you described at my gym over on 8th.”
“He stands out, literally and figuratively. He’s by far the biggest man in the place, plus he can bench like a zillion pounds.”