“You can call him out,” Chris said.
And with that, boy and dog were reunited.
“I don’t want to cut off his boys,” Chris said, cupping himself like he was the one being sent to get neutered.
“Most dogs calm down afterward.”
“Most?” He scrunched up his forehead. “That doesn’t instill much confidence.”
“It’s not a guarantee, but getting a dog fixed can have a positive effect.”
“Knowing my luck with Luke, it wouldn’tfixa damn thing.”
I chuckled, then sighed. “What’s the other reason you don’t want to take him in?”
“Honestly?” Chris considered for a moment. “I don’t want to havethetalk with Hudson yet. You know, the birds and the bees? If we get Luke neutered, I’m going to have to explain why we’re cutting his nuts off. I’m just not ready yet.”
I knew without him having to say so that he wanted to keep Hudson sweet and innocent for as long as he could.
“Plus, you know, he’s a thoroughbred. When we got him, Roger told me that breeding him could result in some serious cash flow.”
“There are too many dogs at the shelters. People leave them and . . . I don’t like to think of the ones who aren’t saved.”
Chris sighed and pulled me against him. “I know, baby. I hear you. I never meant to get Luke. I always thought that Hudson and I would rescue a dog together. But . . . well, you know the rest of that story.”
“He’s a great dog. He’s Hudson’s best friend.”
“He’s better,” Chris said with a chuckle. “Thanks to you.”
“You and Hudson played a big role in his training. Don’t sell yourselves short. I gave you the tools to help him. You both put in a lot of hard work.”
“I just wish he’d get to the level of Moose and Rufus.”
“He will . . . someday.”
Chris chuckled and climbed into bed.
“I’m going to be watching GiGi for six weeks,” I said, squirting toothpaste onto my toothbrush. “Celine has to go to Paris to take care of her sister after her surgery.”
“Six weeks?” Chris said, the surprise evident in his voice.
“Is that a problem?” I asked, wondering if I’d agreed too soon.
“No. No,” Chris said. “What’s one more dog?”
I chuckled. “I guess we’ll find out.”
He kissed the side of my head. “Gigi is a hell of a lot less trouble than Luke. I’m sure we’ll barely notice her.”
We brushed our teeth and cleaned up the sinks.
“The money’s really good too. Celine pays me more than she should. It will be nice to have a little extra for Christmas this year,” I said as we pulled back the covers on the bed.
“She’ll be back before then, right?” His tone told me he was genuinely worried.
“Yes, she’ll be back before Christmas. She’s hoping to come back sooner, but it all depends on how her sister heals.”
“What kind of surgery?” he asked, immediately adding, “If it’s okay to ask. I don’t want to pry into her business.”