The squeak of Hudson’s bathroom door opening let us know our time was up. I allowed myself one more moment of her lips on mine before stepping away.
“Hudson!” I called. “I got pizza for dinner.”
“Okay, Dad!” he yelled back.
Emily and I shared a smile as our dutiful dogs surrounded us and my amazing son ran into the kitchen.
“Do you want milk, water, or juice?” Emily asked Hudson.
I watched them work together to set up the pizza, garlic knots, and salad I’d brought home for dinner.
It was moments like these that still took me by surprise. Life as a single dad wasn’t what I’d planned. Losing my wife when Hudson was just a baby changed me forever. It wasn’t until I met Emily that I thought I could have a life beyond that of a broken-hearted widower.
Emily wasn’t at all what I expected.
Love wasn’t even on my radar.
But one night with her changed my life.
It changed Hudson’s life, too.
Emily was an angel.
As scared as I was about dating and bringing someone into our lives, Emily made our world better. She wasn’t a replacement for what we’d lost, she was a gift sent when we needed her the most.
Chapter Three
“Luke! No! Stop it!” Chris yelled as Luke mounted Rufus. “Goddammit! You stupid idiot!”
Hudson’s eyes went wide. Chris rarely lost his cool, and even more rare was his use of profanity in front of Hudson.
Chris yanked Luke off Rufus.
“Why’s Dad so mad?” Hudson asked me.
The innocence of Hudson’s voice brought Chris back to us. One look and he realized he’d made a mountain out of a molehill.
“Sorry, guys,” he said, aiming another glare at Luke, who looked at his master as all dogs do when they’ve been seriously reprimanded. “Go!” he said sternly to Luke as he snapped his fingers and pointed to the corner.
Luke, shamed and morose, padded to his bed and climbed in. Big brown, soulful eyes looked at us.
“You made him sad,” Hudson said.
“I know, buddy. But he shouldn’t be doing that. It’s not natural.”
“Why?” Hudson asked, his big brown, inquisitive eyes wondering what the big deal was.
“He’s just acting out.” Chris shook his head. “He wants to play, I guess.”
I had to control my snort of laughter. It was hilarious watching Chris battle the inner debate of whether or not to explain what Luke was doing.
“You want to help me out?” he mumbled.
At his request, I remained nonchalant and explained, “Luke’s just trying to assert his dominance. It’s what males in the wild do.”
“But Rufus is older. Isn’t he in charge?”