His body spasmed, glistening with sweat, a smile plastered to his face.

I fell forward, loving every drop of slippery wetness between our bodies and my thighs.

My pussy still throbbed when I started my group session at Bark Park.

October, and it was still warm enough to wear a tank top with my yoga pants.

The last part of the year typically meant skimming back on my hours at Mannered Mutts, but this year was an anomaly. Mannered Mutts was thriving like never before.

Maybe Chris and Hudson were my good luck charms. I’d done well in business before they came into my life, but now that I had an overpouring of love—and not just from my fur babies—everything else seemed to be coming to me in abundance, too.

“Emily?Cheri?” Celine Collins called in her perfectly posh French accent. “I was wondering if I could chat with you about Gigi.”

Celine was one of my favorite clients, and we’d become more than business owner and client over the past couple of months. When she needed to go out of town for a long weekend getaway with some of her girlfriends, she always asked if I’d be willing to take care of Gigi. Celine was sophisticated and chic, always impeccably dressed and polished to perfection. So was her French poodle, Gigi.

“Sure,” I said, throwing the dog toys into the plastic bin.

“I need someone to watchmon bébé. I’m going to Paris.”

“I’ve always dreamed of a vacation in Paris,” I said.

She chortled, saying, “Darling, this is far from a holiday. I have to take care of my sister.”

“Is she okay?”

She patted at her dark hair, stylishly pulled back into a perfect French twist. “Oh, she’s fine, darling. She has to have surgery. Bunions on both feet. And well,”—she sighed—“it’s my sisterly duty to help her while she recovers. I’d take Gigi with me, of course, but I think taking care of Elodie will be too much for me. And Gigi would miss her grooming. You know how much she loves her spa days.”

I chuckled. “Don’t we all?”

“Plus, I know you take such good care of her. She’d have her play dates with you . . . that is if you’d be willing to watch her while I’m away.”

“Of course.”

“Before you agree,Cheri, I must let you know that it will be longer than last time.”

“Celine, really, it’s not a problem. It’s nice that you can be there for your sister.”

“I’ll be gone for a month at the least.”

“A month!” My cheeks flared, and I apologized for my outburst. “I can’t imagine being away from my boys for a month.”

“I know. I hate the idea of being separated from my precious girl for that long, and I’m hoping to return sooner. But Elodie’s doctors told her it would be up to six weeks for a full recovery. She’ll be in a cast or a boot. I’m not sure.”

“Wow. That sounds awful.” I touched her arm sympathetically. “I’m sorry.”

“I am, too. I love my sister.” She chuckled. “She’s been a nightmare to deal with over the phone, and I know she’s going to be much worse in person.”

“Celine, I’m sure it won’t be as bad as you think.”

“You don’t know my sister.”

I aimed for a reassuring smile. “I’m sure she appreciates you helping her out.”

“So, you’ll watch Gigi?” At hearing her name and knowing we were talking about me dog sitting, Gigi nudged my hand. Her soft, curly fur was like finely spun silk under my fingers.

“Of course, I will,” I said. “How much trouble can she be?”

“Oh,Cheri, thank you,” Celine said. “Gigi, say thank you.”