Hudson and I huddled under blankets on the couch while the boys and Gigi curled up on their dog beds nearby. We were both running fevers and aching all over. The past two days had been the worst. Every time we thought we could eat something, we ended up in the bathroom.
Thankfully, the vomiting had subsided when I woke up, but neither Hudson nor I was in the mood to eat breakfast with Chris that morning.
I looked at Hudson, so sweet and snuggly, trying to keep his eyes open while his favorite cartoon,Logan’s Laboratory,played on the television. After a few minutes, he gave in to sleep. I watched his chest rise and fall, and my heart broke because he was sick because of me.
I slid off the couch, careful not to wake him up. Keeping one eye on his, I heated some chicken noodle soup and poured some ginger ale to help our queasy tummies.
Hudson was sleeping so peacefully, so I didn’t have the heart to wake him from his nap. I texted Chris to let him know we were doing okay and followed up with my clients. As much as I hated missing my sessions with the dogs, I was thankful to be here to take care of Hudson so Chris didn’t have to take time off from work.
“Emmy?” Hudson’s voice was hoarse from sleeping and coughing.
“Yes, sweetie.” I rushed to his side with a cool cloth. “How are you feeling?” I asked, pressing it to his forehead. Smiling when he closed his eyes in relief, I couldn’t help but melt. Hudson had never called me Emmy before, but since he’d been sick, he was even sweeter than usual.
He sighed and pulled his blanket under his chin.
“I made some soup. Chicken noodle. Are you hungry?”
He shook his head.
“How about some ginger ale?”
“Okay,” he said, perking up a little.
I padded back to the kitchen and filled a small bowl of soup for him, just in case. “All right,” I said, setting the tray on the coffee table in front of us before helping him get comfortable sitting up. “Here’s your ginger ale, sir,” I said, handing him a cup.
When I clinked my cup to his, he giggled.
“Are you sure you don’t want to try the soup? Or I brought us some crackers, too,” I said, bringing his cup of soup closer. I hoped the aroma would entice him to at least take a few bites.
The corners of his mouth lifted in a half-hearted smile. Knowing he was nervous about getting “sick” again, I assured him, “I think a couple of bites might make us feel better.”
“Emmy?” he asked.
“I’m sorry I threw up on you.”
“It’s okay, honey. Rufus and Moose have gotten sick before. Trust me, that was way worse.”
His cute cackle of laughter told me I did a good job of offering him the comfort and reassurance he needed.
I placed the tray over his legs and set him up. “Eat as much as you want,” I said before taking a bite of my own.
We laughed when we both “Mmm-ed” in unison.
Relieved that he was feeling good enough to eat something, I settled against the cushions and got comfortable with the little boy who stole my heart just as much as his dad had – albeit in a different way.
Hours later, Chris woke me up with a kiss on my forehead. Opening my eyes, I was surprised to see him in a T-shirt and sweats. Damn, he looked sexy. Even more surprising was the obnoxious rumble of my stomach from the scent of pizza floating in the air.
“Hungry?” he whispered.
I clamped my hand over my tummy, feeling the blush heat my cheeks.
We looked over at Hudson, who was still sound asleep.
Chris offered his hands to lift me off the sofa. Moose, Rufus, Luke, and Gigi pranced over to us, glad there was someone home healthy enough to give them attention.
“Okay, guys,” he whispered, shooing them away so Hudson wouldn’t wake up.