Page 52 of Spider Demon's Kiss

I puckered my lips and pointed at them. I wasn’t sure how he would respond to this. Last night he seemed completely into kissing. But a lot of closet-cases like him wanted one thing when the sun was down and another when the sun was up.

To my surprise, Dante released a frustrated exhale, crossed the room and kissed me on the lips. He had tried to make it just a peck, but with him so close, I rested my forearms on his shoulders and got comfortable.

God was he a good kisser. When his tongue touched mine, I felt drunk. My brain melted like warm caramel. And after I had completely lost track of time, he pulled away.

“No, we can’t do this now. I really gotta get to work.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “My ass is right here,” I told him tilting my naked hole towards him.

Staring at it for a second, it didn’t take long for him to break my spell and head out.

“You’re not good for me,” he said with smile as the elevator doors closed.

“But you’re great for me,” I said to myself wondering how I would breathe without him.

With him gone, I fell on the couch staring at the elevator hoping to see it open again. It didn’t. Even after I knew it wouldn’t, I couldn’t get myself to leave thinking that it might. If it wasn’t for having to go to the bathroom, I could have stayed there forever.

Once relieved and in the bathroom, I got ready for the day. What would I do with myself considering Dante didn’t want me to come to his work? There was a lot of time before our dinner with Matteo. How I filled it would determine what I was going to wear.

Deciding to visit my sister, I put on a midnight blue satin suit with long-cut bell bottom flairs. I had the perfect heels for them. And since I would be going home, the makeup would be minimal.

Dressed and ready to go, I soon realized that I didn’t have a way of getting there. Retrieving my phone, I gave my husband a call.

“How’d you get this number?” he asked when he answered.

“How did you know it was me?”

“Fair enough. What’s up?”

“How do I call for a helicopter?”


“When I was home, I called my father’s assistant and the pilot would meet me on the heliport. How do you do it? Do I call your assistant?”

Dante laughed. “If you asked my assistant to arrange for the family helicopter, she wouldn’t know what the hell you were talking about.”

“Do I call your pilot directly?” I asked confused.

“What makes you think that I have a helicopter on standby?”

“Why wouldn’t you?”

“Why would I?”

Seeing that this conversation was going nowhere, I got to the point.

“I want to go visit Yuki who is at home today. How do I do it?”

“You could drive.”

“Nope. Try again.”

“What do you mean, nope?”

“Do I have to explain what no means? Try again!”

“I could have a driver pick you up.”