Page 29 of Spider Demon's Kiss

He slept so peacefully under my sheets. I couldn’t help but like that. At the same time, why hadn’t he slept in the spare room?

How amazing would it be if I was in that bed with him? He would fit so comfortably in arms. I could hold him and protect him from the world if he let me. But maybe I was thinking about this wrong.

I hadn’t been in this position before.There had been guys in my bed but none of them were allowed to spend the night. Kuroi looked like he belonged there. But maybe I was projecting what I wanted onto a man who was lying in wait to kill me.

Closing my eyes and shaking the thought out of my head, I headed for my bathroom and began my day. As I stood under the shower, I could feel every phantom pain. Maybe Kuroi was a spider demon after all. Supernatural attacks were known to linger.

Out of the shower and getting dressed, the opening bathroom door grabbed my attention. Staring past my changing room, our eyes met. Kuroi was wearing nothing but boxer briefs. For the first time I was seeing him. No crazy outfit or face paint. Just him. All of him. My wolf liked what I saw.

“Let me help you,” he said in a soft voice headed towards me.

I quickly assessed the weapons he could use between where he was and where I was as well as the placement of my gun. Turns out I didn’t need any of them. The only thing he reached for was my shirt. Feeling his body heat wash over me, I could smell his faint scent as he pulled the shirt over my shoulders. I began to tell him that I didn’t need his help, but I stopped enjoying how close he was to me.

With my shirt on, he buttoned me up. I couldn’t tell if he saw that my wounds were gone. If he did, he didn’t react to it. He simply tucked my shirt into my pants and searched my closet for a jacket. Retrieving one, he handed to me.

“I don’t need it,” I told him never wearing a jacket to the office.

“You would look good in it,” he said, shaking it in front of me.

I couldn’t refuse him. Staring into his mesmerizing eyes, all I could do was give him what he wanted.

Taking the jacket, I stuck my arm in a sleeve. Helping me with the other, he next turned me towards the full length mirror. Standing behind me he stared at me in it. Liking what he saw, he smiled.


“Yeah, better,” I replied referring to everything that was going on.

“Would you like me to make you some breakfast?”

“You make breakfast?” I asked him surprised.

“I have a phone,” he joked.

I laughed, but only briefly. I hadn’t forgotten how he had responded the last time I had laughed at him. Remembering that, I walked out of his hands and headed for the door.

“I have to go,” I said hurrying out.

“See you tonight?” He said leaning against the doorway of my bedroom.

I flinched.

What did that mean? Sure, he was being nice this morning but wasn’t he nice to me yesterday morning as well. What injury would I need to shift to heal tonight?

This was ridiculous. His mood swings were out of control. Yeah, I probably hadn’t reacted in the best way when I saw him last night. But his response had been above and beyond. If he were anyone else, he would be dead right now.

The problem was that he wasn’t anyone else. He was Kuroi Sato, my husband. That fact alone meant I didn’t have the same options. I was defenseless against him. And if I didn’t get control of things before he realized it, I was in trouble.

Getting into my car, I dialed the only person I could trust.

“Lorenzo, meet me in my office in an hour.”

“I’ll be there,” he agreed sounding like he knew what it was about.

Staring out at the city from my office window, Lorenzo entered all business.

“You’re right. I have a problem at home and I need your help,” I admitted, as hard as it was to say.

“You want me to take care of him?”