Denisha and Maia stood guard near Austin.
“Fortunately, Hudson was right on his heels, otherwise….” Denisha shrugged.
“Hudson took Don back to your office, Kit, and said for the rest of you to join them,” Maia said.
Kage nodded to his lieutenants. “Thank you. Stay with Austin, please.”
“Of course,” Maia said, while Denisha nodded.
“Would one of you quietly inform everybody else of what’s happening and tell them that everything’s okay,” Connie said.
Torres approached them, and Connie quickly explained what had just happened.
“Do you need me?” Torres asked.
“Not right now, but if that changes, I’ll text you. Keep an eye on my parents, would you?”
“Of course.”
“Thank you,” Connie said. Taking Kit’s hand, he pulled him toward Kit’s office. “Come on, babe.”
Connie opened the door so Kit could enter.
“Is everything okay out front?” Hudson asked as he motioned for Connie, Kit, and Kage to join them at the table in Kit’s office.
“Yes, I informed Torres of what happened in the alley. I asked him to stay with my parents but told him I’d text him ifwe needed him.” Connie pulled out a chair for Kit, then sat down himself. He glanced at Don.
“I don’t think we will,” Hudson said, seeing where Connie’s gaze had landed. “Okay, Don. You have our attention. You said you wanted our help to deal with Lennox so you can save your brother. What exactly do you have in mind?”
“As you probably know, Lennox has teams of hunters. Each team has a head. Like a boss. He’s meeting with the bosses this evening in the tunnels. The peons like me are not included.”
“So, which hunters are with him during these meetings, then?” Connie asked.
“I should have said none of us who were forced, or those like me, who are not… doing good,” Don admitted. “In fact, most of us would probably disappear if given the chance. But Lennox has made sure we can’t.”
“And why is that?” Connie asked.
“Because a lot of our families have been held hostage or forcibly converted like my little brother.”
“Jesus,” Kit murmured. “That’s horrible.”
“It is, yes, but it’s not surprising. Back to this meeting this evening. Itwouldbe the perfect opportunity to strike,” Kage said.
“There’s only one problem. Every tunnel that’s connected to a front like that bookstore you followed me into has security cameras plastered all over the place. If you try going into the tunnels, Lennox is going to know you’re coming immediately. You’ll never catch him unaware,” Don said.
“I can always portal in,” Kage pointed out.
“Did you try to portal while you were in the tunnels?” Don asked.
“Well, no, there wasn’t a reason. We met back in that dilapidated bookstore and left from there,” Kage admitted. “Why?”
“Do you remember seeing runes plastered all over the walls?”
“Well, shit. He’s warded the tunnels?”
“Yes. Could you still open a portal in there? I don’t see why you couldn’t. It shouldn’t stop that, I think, but I’m unsure,” Don said. “But itwillsound an alert, and Lennox will be in the wind.”
“Shit. Did it the last time?” Kage asked.