“You need to put some space between you and Kit,” Connie said, one hand still on Hudson’s shoulder. “Now.”
Don stepped back.
“I can open a portal and toss him into it,” Kage offered.
“No,” Kit said calmly. “We’re not opening any portals, and we’re not burning Don to a crisp.”
Ever so slowly, Hudson dragged his gaze off Don and turned it to Kit. “Give me one reason why not. Just one.”
“Because Nox and Lennox have harmed yet another innocent,” Kit said. “Don has a younger brother whose name is Chester. Nox kidnapped Chester—”
“So he says,” Connie said, slowly lowering his hand from Hudson’s shoulder. “Are you okay, my King?”
Hudson took a deep breath and released it. If Connie was using his title, he was extremely worried. “I’m in control.”
“Oh, good,” Kage said quietly. “Because it would be rather hard to hide a three-story dragon out here in the back alley.”
Hudson glared at Kage.
“Just pointing out the obvious.” Kage shrugged. “Because if you do shift, it’ll be you going into a portal and staying there until you get control. Can’t have the humans seeing a big-ass dragon in downtown San DeLain.”
“I’d like to see you—”
“Oh,Iwon’t try, my friend. I will.”
“And asIwas saying, Lennox forced Don into helping him attack me that day so he could get to Austin and Kage,” Kit snapped. “Don wants our help to save Chester. And the only way to save Chester is to kill Lennox.”
Kage made some sort of deep angry sound.
Hudson quickly glanced at Kage and was unsurprised to see his eyes completely black. He imagined his own eyes had changed too and were the color of his dragon.
“Okay, Don, you need to answer some questions immediately because the ocean option is not off the table,” Kage said. “Nox hurt Austin that day. Don’t think I’ve forgotten that.”
“And he will answer our questions, but before we get to that, I have an idea,” Kit said. “None of us trust Don—”
Connie snorted, a ring of smoke traveling from his nostrils.
“But no one can enter my bookstore who means me ill will, right?” Kit turned to face Don. “You want us to trust you? I honestly don’t know if that’s possible with what you’ve done, but a step in the right direction would be you getting past the wards. If you’re honest about wanting our help to save your brother? Prove that this isn’t a trap. Walk into my bookstore.”
“This isn’t a trap,” Don said, walking past Kit toward the bookstore. Without hesitating, he grabbed the handle, opened it… and walked inside.
“Shit,” Kage said, hands on hips.
“Fuck!” Connie thew his hands in the air. “Dammit to the Flames.”
Hudson growled harshly.
“Well, there you go, I guess. It’s not a trap.” Kit waved at the back door. “After you guys.”
Hudson seethed with anger, wishing he could just set Don on fire instead of having to follow him into the store, but Don had proved his point, as much as it irritated the hell out of Hudson. With a low growl, he reached out and yanked open the door before stalking in behind Don.
“Hopefully Hudson won’t let anybody kill Don before we have a chance to hear what he says,” Kage said, following behind Hudson through the door.
“And here I was looking forward to calling it a day and heading home,” Kit said.
“I’m afraid that’s not happening,” Connie said, taking Kit’s hand as he opened the back door. “Shall we?”
“I guess we don’t have a choice.” Kit followed Connie back inside his bookstore, immediately looking around. “Where is he?”