Page 58 of Beyond the Darkness

“Can I just point out that doing it in October or December means he would have to share the limelight with the other two events? And he doesn’t want that. That’s why I suggested not having the wedding during those two months,” Connie said quietly.

Standing up, Hudson moved to where Connie was sitting and kneeled next to him. “You’re right, of course. I’m sorry, sweetheart. I didn’t think.”

“Your dragon is wanting to give Kit whatever he wants, whenever he wants, right?”


“Which I completely understand. But your dragon doesn’t understand that things take time, no matter how much money you throw at something.”

“You’re right. You’re the expert in planning things.” Standing, Hudson bent down and kissed Connie on the cheek.

Connie turned his head so their lips met. After the kiss was done, Connie poked Hudson in the ribs. “Just keep repeating that, and we should be fine.”

“Repeating what?” Kit asked as he made his way back to his seat.

Connie smirked. “That I’m the expert, and that I’m right.”

“I called my mom and dads right quick to make sure they didn’t have anything going on in November,” Kit said as he sat down. “We don’t have anything going on in November, do we?”

“No,” Connie said. “So, you’re looking at the month of November? If so, that would work. Just maybe not the last Thursday, since humans in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving then.”

“I thought about that. I’m going to assume that’s something you guys don’t do?” Kit asked.

“Not usually, no, but we can if you wish,” Hudson said.

Kit shrugged. “The reason for the season is kind of offensive, if you ask me, although I wouldn’t mind having turkey and dressing sometime.”

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” Connie said. “So? What date did you pick?”


“NOVEMBER SEVENTEENTH. What do you think of that for a wedding date?” Kit asked.

“I think that’s perfect,” Hudson said. “Connie?”

Connie pulled his phone out and checked his calendar. “We have nothing going on that entire week. It’s perfect.”

Kit bounced in his seat, unable to contain his joy. A broad grin spread across his face as he exclaimed, “Oh wow, okay, well, look at that. We have a wedding date. Wow!” The words tumbled out of his mouth in a rush.

“And that’sthisupcoming November?” Connie asked.

“I…. Yes? Do you really think we can pull something as massive as this together in that length of time?” Kit asked, fidgeting nervously.

“Absolutely,” Connie said, reassuring Kit.

A mix of excitement and anxiety churned in Kit’s stomach at the thought of the tasks ahead. “Then, God help me, yes! Oh man, oh boy, we got to get serious about this now!”

Hudson glanced at Connie, confusion written on his face. “Um, weren’t we already?” Hudson asked.

Kit just cackled.

POOR DRAGONS. They really had no idea just howseriousserious was. They spent a solid two hours discussing what kind of food they would serve. Two hours.

Hudson couldn’t seem to understand why the subject of serving food at their wedding was so hard. Kit was more than happy to school him on the subject.

Did they want fancy? Or did they want finger food? Did they want a plated meal? Or did they want buffet style? What about allergies? Were there going to be humans there who had allergies? Did paranormals have allergies?

If they went with plated, how many choices were they going to offer? Meat definitely had to be offered since there were so many paranormals who needed that, but the mers mainly ate seafood, so that was a consideration too.