Guess that answered that.

With a screeching U-turn, it raced in the opposite direction. Trusting Nelson and Mitchell to deal with that, Hudson waited anxiously for Beckett and Kit to make their way through the barrier. Gripping the wheel tightly, he and Connie pointed their SUVs in the direction of Beckett’s vehicle and followed.

Flooring it, he pulled in front of Beckett while Connie took up the rear. Every fiber of his being screamed for him to act—to stop the SUV, forcefully extract Kit, and make sure he was perfectly fine.

But for once his dragon was the voice of reason—Kit would be much safer at the compound than out there in the middle of the road. Anxiety tightened the bond between the three of them, and even though he was stressed, he could tell that feeling was coming from him and Connie, not Kit.

Taking a deep breath, he tried to pull himself together. If Kit could be composed, then he and Connie could too. They could. Just as soon as they got back to the compound and Kit was safe. Probably. Possibly.


Amusement sped down the bond, followed by soothing reassurance. Dragon gods, Kit was trying to calm them down. Connie’s sheepishness followed instantly, but the bond did relax.

The atmosphere in the SUV was thick with tension, each second feeling like an eternity as Hudson tried to maintain his facade of calm and collected. His knuckles turned white as he counted down the minutes until they reached his compound and parked.

Beckett had barely managed to shut the engine off before Hudson opened the passenger door and dragged Kit out.

“Whoa!” Kit exclaimed.

Hudson wrapped Kit up and just… just breathed. Kit was there, and he was fine. Maybe if he repeated that a few million times, his brain would get the message.

A few seconds later, Connie plowed into them. They both desperately held on to Kit, and their hearts beat in rhythm, something Hudson had never noticed before now. It was glorious and steadying, and for the briefest of moments, they were one.

“Are you okay?” Connie murmured into Kit’s hair.

“I’m okay. Nothing happened.”

Hudson squeezed both of his mates. “We were worried.”

“Very worried,” Connie agreed. “I was afraid we wouldn’t get to you in time, and all of these harmful scenarios were running in my head. Maybe you shouldn’t leave the compound until this damn situation with—”

Kit wormed an arm out and gently pulled Connie’s hair. “Finish that sentence and I’m going to snatch you bald.”

Beckett climbed out of his vehicle and shut the door. “He’s already threatened to snatch the both of you bald today. I wouldn’t push it if I were either of you.”

Hudson leaned back so he could see Kit’s face. “What did we do?”

“We? I’m thinking this is more of a you situation,” Connie chimed in.

Once more amusement flooded their bond as Kit sighed dramatically. “Why haven’t either of you told me about this masquerade ball coming up at the end of the year? Or the Halloween bash, for that matter?”

“Oh, well, you see….” Blushing, Connie eased out of the three-way hug and glanced at Hudson as if asking for help.

“What?” Kit demanded. “What am I supposed to see, Connie?”

“Um, okay, look.” Connie gulped. “Things have been kind of insane lately and—”

Hudson studied Kit as his mate squared off with Connie. Oddly enough, Kit seemed perfectly okay, and the bond reinforced that feeling. Kit had been scared and worried but not nearly as panicked as Hudson and Connie had been when Kit called.

Kit really was okay and was now giving Connie what for.

Kit suddenly swung around and pointed at Hudson. “You’re not off the hook, either.”

“Connie is my right hand. I really do believe you should focus your ire on him.”

“Oh, thanks. Thankssomuch.” Connie crossed his arms over his chest and glared at Hudson.

“Be that as it may, you’re one of the hosts for that gig, am I right?” Kit asked. “So, Connie might be your right hand, but you’re in charge. Well. You and Kage.”