“So what do we do?” Maia asked.
“Try to find out where the weapons are coming from, and maybe it’s time we started trying to capture a few hunters. Those tunnels have entrances like that bookstore. Maybe, if we could find out what other fronts the hunters are using, we can shut them down,” Hudson said. “And for now, leave the weapons. I’ll cast a spell that will disarm them.”
Everyone murmured their agreement, and the meeting slowly adjourned. The daemons left, and after abrief discussion, Hudson’s inner circle left too, Torres taking the cart with the dirty dishes with him.
Kit sighed heavily. They had found some really interesting information, but basically nothing had been done. Don was still out there, somewhere.
Hudson approached Kit. “How are you doing?”
Kit looked up, forcing a smile. “I’m fine. I mean, it’s a lot to process, you know? And I’m concerned about everything we’ve uncovered today.”
Hudson nodded. “Itisa lot to process. It’s not easy, dealing with all this chaos and still having no clear solution in sight. But we’re doing the best we can.”
Connie wandered over to the table and sat next to Kit. He gently patted Kit’s knee. Smiling, Kit covered Connie’s hand with his own.
“I know.” Kit glanced toward the empty conference table. “I wish we could do more to pinpoint Don’s location. I can’t shake the feeling that he’s planning something big. It’s like the silence before the storm, you know?”
“I do know,” Hudson said softly. “I feel the same way. But remember, we’re doing everything we can. Hopefully, we’ll make some progress soon.”
“I hope so,” Kit’s said.
Hudson laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “Let’s focus on what we can control for now. We’ll start by increasing our surveillance and gathering more intelligence.”
“We’ll regroup tomorrow and start fresh. For tonight, try not to worry about it,” Connie said. “I know, I know, easier said than done.”
Kit nodded slowly, feeling somewhat comforted by Hudson’s and Connie’s words. “Thanks, you two. I’ll try.”
Kit had a feeling that sleep would be elusive, but he appreciated the sentiment, nonetheless. As they left Hudson’s office, Kit truly tried to not let things overwhelm him.
The hunters were escalating their attacks, and everyone—including humans unaware of the supernatural world around them—was in potential danger. With Don still out there, and the hunters armed to the teeth, things were getting steadily more intense.
HUDSON COULDN’T stand the worried expression on Kit’s face, though there was little he could do to alleviate it. But maybe there was something—perhaps spending the rest of the day lounging by the pool would help improve everyone’s mood.
“Would you be up for taking a break this afternoon and lazing by the pool?” Hudson suggested to his companions.
“Sold!” Kit’s face lit up with excitement as he grinned at Hudson. Taking both his and Connie’s hands, he hurried them toward their temporary bedroom.
“Isn’t the construction crew working back there?” Connie asked as they walked into their bedroom. “Not going to be a lot of privacy.”
“Oh.” Kit frowned, coming to a halt. “Well, damn.”
“No problem. We’ll hit the lake instead,” Hudson said, closing the door behind them.
“That sounds good to me,” Kit said. “Let me take off my makeup while you guys change.”
“Oh, hey, I forgot to tell you that my parents are coming to visit,” Connie said to Hudson as he headed into the small walk-in closet to grab his swimsuit. He also got Kit’s and Hudson’s and brought them out.
“When?” Hudson asked.
“I’m still waiting to hear.”
Kit froze in the middle of the room and groaned. “And here Hudson was just telling me to try and not get stressed out too much.”
Connie dropped their swimsuits on the bed and walked over to Kit. Taking his face, he gently kissed Kit’s lips. “There’s nothing to be stressed out about. My parents are some of the most easygoing people you will ever meet. I promise you that.”