Hudson nodded. “They really are that bad.”
“Still, she was your mother.”
“I don’t grieve for that, Kit. You must remember, I’m a thousand years old. She managed to kill what affection I had for her hundreds of years ago. If I grieve, it will be for the relationship wecouldhave had and didn’t,” Hudsonsaid, hugging Kit gently. “Besides, you’ll love Connie’s parents. They’re fabulous.”
“AND THEY are so excited to meet you,” Connie reassured Kit. “I’ve told them all about us.”
Kit turned his gaze to Connie. “You have? And you’re sure they’re okay with us? What if they feel like—”
The worry on Kit’s face absolutely broke Connie’s heart. Damn Queen Abigail and her mates. They hadn’t met Kit and still managed to cause trouble.
“My parents don’t have a problem with humans, Kit. Never have. You asked if I’m sure they’ll be excited to meet you. I am,” Connie said. “And my mom will happily tell you that, along with my dads, when they get here.”
Kit wiggled his way out of Hudson’s arms and plowed into Connie’s. “So, they are coming?”
“After hearing we were attacked? I would bet something from my hoard on it. Besides, they really do want to meet you,” Connie said.
“Thank you. That’s good to hear, considering I didn’t even know Hudson’s parents disliked me.”
Hudson sighed loudly, rubbing one of his temples. “I didn’t want you to know, but that’s a moot point now.”
“I guess it really doesn’t matter since I’ll never meet them,” Kit said. “I hate that you felt that was necessary, but thank you. The last thing I’d want is to be uncomfortable in my own home.”
“Which is why I didn’t offer them a place in my court,” Hudson said. “But enough about them. I’ve done all that I can as far as the attacks go, so why don’t we spend the rest of the day at the lake? I think we all need to relax.”
“I think that’s a fabulous idea,” Connie said. “Kit? Why don’t you and I hit the kitchen and grab some snacks?”
“Excellent idea. While you two do that, I’ll grab some towels and check the boat to make sure it has plenty of fuel. I’ll meet you guys at the dock?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Kit said. “We’ll meet you shortly.”
CONNIE AND Kit changed, then Connie sent a quick text message to Hudson’s inner circle letting them know what their plans were for that Sunday and where they’d be for the rest of the afternoon. The phone beeped with an incoming confirmation text.
Once that was done, they headed to the kitchen to see what culinary delights they could scrounge up for their impromptu boating trip. Taking the boat out was always a special occasion.
Hudson’s vast territory boasted not one but two stunningly beautiful lakes—the larger of which was exclusively reserved for court use. However, it was the smaller lake tucked behind his house that held a special place in their hearts: a secluded oasis of tranquil waters meant solely for their private enjoyment.
A sheltered boat dock housed Hudson’s ski boat and pontoon. Not far from the dock lay a sandy beach, and nearby, a stone fire pit stood amidst a circle of sturdy Adirondack chairs, beckoning for a cozy evening by the water’s edge. A quaint picnic table awaited on the lush green grass leading to the woods.
It was serene, secluded, and exactly what they needed right then.
“Hey, Stella, we’re going to raid your kitchen. Is that okay?” Connie asked.
“Well, that depends onwhyyou’re raiding my kitchen.” Stella’s hands ended up on her hips.
“Hudson has sent us on a mission,” Connie declared. “We’re spending the day on the lake for some R&R, and we’ve been tasked with providing snacks for said mission.”
Stella nodded wisely. “A very important mission, I agree.”
“Exactly,” Connie said solemnly.
Kit rounded on Connie, suddenly serious. “Your mission, Sir Connie, should you choose to accept it, is to acquire snacks. This mission could be dangerous because the lack of snacks could result in hunger, which in dragons could be disastrous.”
Stella chuckled.
“As always, should you or any of your co-conspirators be caught, our king will disavow any knowledge of your actions when his Ancient Chief Cook confronts him,” Kit continued.