Page 27 of Beyond the Darkness

“Where are your mates?”

A noise caught Kit’s attention, and he glanced up as Hudson and Connie stepped into the room. “Um, they’re with me. Why?”

“Chris’s pack was attacked too,” Hudson said quietly.

“What?” Kit yelled. “Attacked? Are you okay? What about Mom? What about Papa? Mother of all, what thefuck?”

“Easy. Easy. We’re okay. Hunters attacked us, but between my pack and Hudson’s dragons, we fought them off. A couple of my people were injured, but nothing serious. Hudson’s dragons were not injured. But, Kit, you should know, they tried to kidnap Michail.”


“Yeah, they were after your papa,” Connie said quietly. “But they didn’t succeed.”

“Damn straight,” Chris growled. “No one, and I meanno one, fucks with my mates.”

Kit’s heart was pounding, but there was nothing he could do about that. “They attacked us too. I think that they attacked almost everybody in San DeLain, I’ve heard. But why you? You’re not here.”

“No, we’re not in San DeLain. Although we can’t prove it, we’re pretty sure Lennox was behind all of this.”

“But why?” Kit gasped.


“BECAUSE HE’S nuts?” Hudson asked.

“No doubt,” Chris said. “Or maybe he’s decided to show everybody he means business. He has taken quite a few losses.”

“Just about everybody he attacked was connected in the original mission orchestrated by Kage,” Connie added.

“Or maybe his focus has changed,” Hudson mused. “Maybe Lennox has figured out he couldn’t get to Kit or Michail and now has a scorched earth policy.”

Then again, maybe that wasn’t it at all. Maybe this was nothing more than a diversionary tactic, but then why attack Kit’s family? To show Kit that he could? And would?

“I don’t know, and I frankly don’t care,” Chris said. “We’re not going to understand the mind of a madman, so there is no point in trying. This could have been a diversionary tactic, or it could have been a Hail Mary for all we know.”

“But what would be the point?” Kit asked desperately again.

“Again, there’s no figuring out a madman’s mind,” Chris said. “Kit? Please be careful and do what your mates say. This isn’t over by a long shot.”

“Well, we’re planning a wedding, so it damn sure better be over soon.” Kit glared at the phone, then turned to Hudson. “I need you to understand that I’m not a bloodthirsty individual, but I need you to end this. Please.”

“Iama bloodthirsty individual, and I’m doing my best. I want this to end just as much as you do.” Hudson wrapped his arms around Kit’s waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. “Would you like me to bring his head on a platter?”

Hudson could hear Chris laughing over the phone line.

Kit groaned. “Good Lord.”

“No? Just checking,” Hudson said. He was only partially kidding.

“Seriously, though, take care of yourself, Kit. I know having your movements restricted will be hard, but my own mates have informed me that it’s safer than the alternative,” Chris pointed out.

“I understand that, and no, I don’t want to fall into Lennox’s hands. MeorPapa, so we’ll do what we must.”

“Hear that, Michail? Our son is being much more reasonable than you,” Chris said, then snickered at how Michail answered.

“Tell him I heard that, and I am being good!” Kit exclaimed. “And as far as puppy dog eyes go, might I remind Papa I got that from him, even if he is a cat.”

“I’ll make sure to pass it on,” Chris said, chuckling. “Tell Hudson I’ll be in contact, and if he needs anything, let me know immediately.”