Page 22 of Beyond the Darkness

That was basically Hudson’s inner circle and the two Ancients.

“I left Parker monitoring our security cameras while we came here,” Torres said. “The rest of the inner circle, along with Beckett and Stella, are in the security offices. Unfortunately, we don’t monitor air space, so we didn’t have a clue it was coming.”

“Mitchell, take Sheila and Stella with you and see if anybody was hurt where it hit. That area is pretty vacant, so hopefully nobody was there, but still,” Connie said. “Be careful. We may have people invading our territory too.”

Stella was an Ancient and more powerful than anyone else outside of Beckett and Hudson.

“The cameras don’t show enemies on the ground, but we’ll be cautious,” Mitchell said. “What about the fire? I’m pretty sure there is one burning. I don’t see how there couldn’t be.”

“Shift once you get there, hit the nearest lake, and hold as much water as you can in your mouth. Use that.”

“Yes, Right Hand,” Mitchell said, darting off.

“Torres? Grab Beckett and Audrey and meet me outside by the front door.”

“Yes, Right Hand.” Torres hurried off.

Turning, Connie saw that Hudson was dragging Kit toward their master bedroom.

“What’s going on?” Connie asked as he followed them. “Why are we going in here? What about the construction—”

“I’m stashing Kit in my hoard.”

“Over Kit’s objections,” Kit griped as he was pulled along. “Just want to throw that out there.”

There was no missing the scared and furious look on Kit’s face. It hurt Connie to see that. Knowing Hudson, it disturbed him too. Connie would never admit it to Kit, but he was thankfulHudson could do what needed to be done. Connie wasn’t sure he could. Making the hard decisions was why Hudson was such a good king. And this was definitely a hard decision.

“I don’t know if we’re being invaded, and the safest place for you is in my hoard. I’ve shown you where the access is to the tunnel that leads aboveground to the forest.”

“And you’re crazy if you think I’m going to leave the hoard without you or Connie,” Kit snapped as he stood in their walk-in closet as Hudson gained access.

Once the door opened, Hudson spun around and grabbed Kit by his chin. “I cannot do what I need to do unless I know you’re safe. This is the safest place for you. Please, mate.”

“And what about me? I’m all safe in here while you tear around out there doing God knows what.”

“We’re practically indestructible, remember?” Connie chimed in.

“Practically does not mean invincible,” Kit snarled.

“Please,Kit,” Hudson said quietly. “I need you to do this for me.”

Kit glared at Hudson for a few seconds before closing his eyes and releasing a deep breath. He opened his eyes and stared at Hudson. “Fine. Fine! I hate it, but I would hate it more if one of you got injured because you were distracted worrying about me.”

Hudson kissed Kit’s temple. “Thank you. Do you have your phone?”

“Of course,” Kit said as Connie kissed him on the cheek.

“Wait one hour. If Connie or I do not return to my hoard, use the escape route. Go to Kage immediately. Or Isadora. Understand?”

Kit nodded slowly. “This sucks so hard, but I understand.”

“Thank you,” Hudson said. “Now go.”

Connie stood next to Hudson as they watched the door close to Hudson’s hoard, locking Kit inside. When Hudson turned toward Connie, his dragon showed in his eyes. “Update.”

His mate was absolutely furious. The low, growly tone was a good indication of just how close Hudson’s dragon was to the surface. Connie completely understood because he felt the same. He quickly repeated what Torres and Mitchell had told him as they hurried toward the front door of the main house.

“First Kage, now me.”