“Ostentatious,” Connie murmured into his wineglass.

“I’m quite fond of it,” Hudson said.

“It certainly meets the standard of what you’re looking for,” Connie agreed. “I’m okay with it too.”

“Well, then, I’ll call tomorrow and check to see if they have any dates open,” Kit said. “It’s kinda last minute.”

“Pick the date you want, and I’ll make sure the hotel accommodates us,” Hudson said. “I know the owner. If another wedding is booked for whatever day you want, I’ll pay them to pick another venue, if needed, and even double their budget.”

Kit blinked at Hudson, who was now sitting next to Kit. “For real?”

“Of course.”

“Good grief. Money definitely talks it seems,” Kit said. “Okay, the Monarch Hotel it is! And why are you both sitting so close all of a sudden?”


CONNIE WAS glad to see Kit so relaxed, especially after the scare he’d had earlier.

Why Don was stalking Kit was a question they needed an answer to. Was it on orders from Lennox? They knew Don worked for Lennox, so maybe it was nothing more than a recon mission.

Don had better hope they never got their hands on him.

A smile teased Connie’s lips as he observed the bemused expression on Kit’s face. Hudson’s boastful declaration to throw money at any wedding-related problem that may arise clearly left Kit feeling out of his depth. Kit really didn’t know what he was dealing with. That much was obvious.

Worst-case scenario? Hudson would use his dragon charm and cunning negotiation skills to strike a deal that the owner of the Monarch Hotel simply couldn’t refuse.

Then he’d cancel whatever grand wedding party was scheduled for the coveted date that Kit had his heart set on. Was that a ruthless thing to do?


Welcome to dealing with dragons.

Hudson would reimburse the humans whose wedding was canceled, of course. His king wasn’t a complete asshole. Connie was pretty sure Hudson would also help the humans find another venue, and even call in favors to help them out.

Despite his tough exterior, Hudson truly cared about the well-being of those around him, human or otherwise. It was why he and his mother didn’t see eye to eye on the subject of humans. So, yes, ruthless, but not without sympathy. That pretty much summed up Hudson.

Whatever Kit wanted, the two of them would do their dead level best to provide. Kit was their most important treasure.

The absolute fear that had gripped him when Kit first called earlier had been nearly paralyzing. Hot on the heels of that had been anger.

The constant threat to their mate was becoming annoying, and Connie was getting damn tired of it. Nothing happened this time, but what about the next? There didn’t need to be a next time, dammit.

As much as he wanted to lock Kit up and never let him leave the compound, he knew that wasn’t a viable solution, but something had to change.

He grabbed Kit’s foot as his mate’s toes teased his thigh. Kit hadn’t worn his white swimsuit that turned sheer when it was wet this time, unfortunately, but that didn’t mean he was any less sexy.

He’d piled his hair on top of his head, but a couple of strands had fallen loose. The simple blue swim trunks were a little big on him, but that was because he’d swiped Connie’s.

Warmth spread in his chest at seeing his mate wearing his clothing. He also noticed Kit was doing that more and more often—swiping a pair of Connie’s shorts or a shirt of Hudson’s when they were relaxing. Connie’s dragon preened every time he saw Kit in an article of their clothing.

As they talked about their wedding, Hudson scooted nearer to Kit. Catching Connie’s eye, Hudson motioned forConnie to move closer on the other side of their mate. It was subtle, but they slowly caged Kit in.

“Okay, the Monarch Hotel it is! And why are you both sitting so close all of a sudden?” Kit asked.

Turning slightly, Connie rested his hand on Kit’s thigh. Hudson gently grasped Kit’s chin, turning their mate’s head toward him. Connie’s hand continued its journey, inching higher up Kit’s thigh as Hudson pressed their lips together in a possessive kiss.

The heat between them was palpable, their connection undeniable as they claimed their mate together.