Time crawled excruciatingly slow, each tick echoing loudly in his ears. Around them, the various groups mingled, passing time but always alert, always waiting for the signal.
He was ready to finish this.
Suddenly, Kage stepped forward, his eyes scanning the room. “Get ready. It won’t be long now. Also, everyone? If my people suddenly start to portal you out, do not question us. It will be for your own safety.”
Kage then turned to face Connie and Hudson. “But that shouldn’t be a worry because we’re going to do everything we can to avoid such a situation.”
Agreement rang out.
Connie nodded, feeling Hudson’s grip on the bond tighten. They both knew Kit was walking into a lion’s den, and all they could do was wait for the right moment to strike.
The seconds stretched into minutes, each one loaded with a palpable tension that could almost be sliced through.
As the digital clock ticked on, Don’s voice crackled suddenly through the wire. “We’re here,” he murmured tersely. “I know you’re listening, so please remember your promise to help my brother.”
Kit’s voice came next, quieter and strained. “They will. They’ll help Chester. We are all going to come out of this safely. I love you guys.”
Connie’s heart lurched at Kit’s words. How he wished they could respond. He closed his eyes for a moment, gathering his strength. Over the bond, he sent a surge of reassurance toward Kit, hoping to steady Kit’s fraying nerves.
For a moment, the bond practically glowed as Hudson flooded it with love too.
“Going in now,” Don said.
The silence in the bookstore became profound, every creature holding their breath as they awaited the signal.
“Entering the tunnels,” Don said. “From here on out, I obviously won’t be talking to you in case it gets noticed.”
Connie fought not to react, but he struggled to keep his composure. It was excruciating to stay put while Kit put himself in harm’s way, but he knew he had to trust his mate.
Trust Fate.
Every fiber of his being wanted to run and save Kit, but he clenched his fists and fought back the overwhelming urge. He couldn’t let his emotions cloud his judgment, even though it felt like a piece of himself was being ripped away with every step Kit took toward danger.
Each second felt like an eternity as he listened and waited for something, anything, to happen. The silence was deafening, broken only by the sound of his racing heart. Every passing moment heightened everyone’s anxiety as they braced themselves for what was to come.
“Why aren’t they talking?” Connie finally demanded.
“Sweetheart, they’ve got to act like Kit’s been kidnapped. Of course there wouldn’t be much talking. But if you listen closely, you can hear that they’re in the tunnels. Hear the echoes of their footfalls?”
“Yeah, okay, I do.”
Then suddenly the bond lit up with nerves.
“Shit,” Hudson muttered.
“What?” Kage demanded.
“Showtime,” Connie whispered.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?”
Lennox’s sneering voice came through the wire, taunting and full of disdain. The undercurrent of danger wasn’t lost on anyone listening.
“Easy,” Hudson murmured.
Connie’s fists clenched at his sides, his nails digging into his palms hard enough to draw blood. His dragon roared within him, itching to break free and tear into the man who threatened Kit.
“I have something for you,” Don said.