Leo chuckled softly as he executed a checkmate move on Ford. “Looks like I win again.”
Ford sighed theatrically, but his eyes twinkled with amusement. “Your day will come, old man.”
Their banter comforted Connie, reminding him of many similar mornings filled with laughter and lighthearted challenges. It grounded him, reinforcing that no matter how big today’s event was, it was just one part of his rich, vibrant life.
After some more conversation, they all headed to the dining hall, which was buzzing with activity as various members of their court gathered for breakfast. The smells of freshly baked bread and strong coffee filled the air.
Hudson joined them soon after they sat down at one of the tables.
“How did the meeting with Kage go?” Connie asked as Hudson took a seat beside him.
“Everything’s on track. Kage has all the security details sorted out. We’re ready for whatever comes our way today.”
“That’s reassuring,” Connie said.
The conversation shifted to lighter topics after that as they waited for others to join them for breakfast. Slowly, the room filled with familiar faces—Audrey sauntered in, with Nelson and Torres trailing behind her, discussing strategy in low tones. Lanny and Beckett came together, laughing over some private joke.
Kit and Henrietta arrived shortly after, arm in arm, both looking much more relaxed than yesterday.
“Morning, everyone,” Kit greeted.
Seeing his mom and his mate together warmed Connie’s heart.
By the time everyone was gathered around the table laden with food ranging from fruits and cereals to pancakes and eggs, the air was buzzing with anticipation and camaraderie.
As they ate and chatted about various non-event related topics—movies seen recently, books read, the tension around the upcoming signing seemed to lessen. Laughter replaced worry lines and shared glances conveyed unspoken support among them.
Finally, breakfast wound down, and they all stood up together.
“We need to be leaving,” Kit said, glancing at his phone. “Are we all ready? And are we all here?”
Everybody nodded that they were ready to go.
KIT RAN through a mental checklist in his head of what all he needed to do as soon as they got to the bookstore. They took three of Hudson’s sleek black SUVs, which made sense since there were so many of them.
“Did somebody get the ice chest full of water bottles?” Kit asked as he got into the SUV.
“Torres loaded it up earlier, along with another ice chest full of ice.” Connie placed a box filled with cups and napkins in the back too. “That’s the cups and stuff. All we need to do is grab the baked goods on our way there.”
Kit scanned the crowd, looking for Torres to thank him, but he was getting into one of the other SUVs. “Okay, thanks, Connie.”
As they rode in, it didn’t escape Kit’s notice that Beckett constantly scanned the flow of traffic around them.
Despite his watchful gaze, nothing exciting happened as they made their way through the bustling streets. Motorcycles revved and cars honked, creating a symphony of urban chaos that surrounded them. But amidst the chaos, Beckett’s focus remained unwavering and alert, ready for any potential danger.
When they pulled into the parking lot, Kage and his people were already there, waiting.
Once vehicles were parked and shut off, Torres got out of his SUV just as Denisha left her vehicle. Together, they walkedthe perimeter of Kit’s bookstore. After a quick nod, everybody got out.
Kit unlocked the doors and turned off the alarms. They had an hour before the bookstore opened, and everybody got to work. Kit directed Connie and Audrey to go get the tables out of storage to set up so they could put out the drinks and food, while Hudson helped Lanny set up the table Austin would use for his signing.
Denisha and Beckett emerged from the back room with their arms full of sturdy boxes. These contained Austin’s highly anticipated latest release, which he would be signing for eager fans. The excitement in the air was palpable as everyone hustled to prepare for a successful day ahead.
Maia and Nelson helped Kit set up a table with the food. Whoever wasn’t helping with immediate setup spread out through the bookstore and did a quick check, just to be safe. Of course, if someone had broken into the store, Kit’s alarm would’ve gone off—as would the wards, most likely—but he understood why everybody was taking extra precautions.
Kit’s employees showed up and also pitched in.