Hudson’s thoughts kept returning to possibly going snow skiing. He really liked the idea, but if Kit and Connie didn’t care for it, there wasn’t a point in making tentative plans.
Picking up the phone, he called Kit. “So… how do you feel about Colorado? Think snowy slopes, skiing, hot cocoa, and evenings spent by the fireplace.”
“I feel like that would be an awesome vacation.”
“I was thinking more along the lines of a honeymoon.”
“Oh, wow, look at you thinking ahead. You know, most people want to go to the beach, but we’re right on the ocean. I want something opposite of that, like this. So what do I think about Colorado? I think that sounds fabulous.”
“I’ll check with Connie too, but I’m sure he’s game.”
“You know, I’ve always wanted to try skiing. Plus, some quiet time away with you two after all these events sounds like a dream of a honeymoon.”
“I’m going to start saving links to resorts for when we’re ready to go,” Hudson replied, already scrolling through options for luxury lodges near ski resorts.
A surge of contentment flowed through him knowing he could provide this joyful experience for Kit and Connie when the time came.
“On another note, how are you doing?” Hudson asked. “Still nervous?”
“Not as much as I was. Did they get here okay?”
“They did, yes.”
“That’s good. Beckett and I are going to leave a little bit early, so maybe we’ll miss the worst of the traffic.”
“Thank you for telling me. I’ll let Connie know. Can you text me when you leave, please?”
“I will. I’ll talk to you later, then.”
“Be safe.”
With that out of the way, he turned his attention back to work.
BEFORE HUDSON knew it, Connie was standing in his office, tapping his watch. “Time to call it a day.”
“Just a second, let me send this email.” Once that was done, Hudson shut down his computer. “Okay, I’m done. Where are the parents?”
“In our private living area, waiting on you. Shall we?”
“The construction crew left?” Hudson asked, walking around his desk.
“Yes, about an hour ago.”
“Kit home yet?”
“Not yet.”
Hudson checked his cell. “He sent me a text when they left. He should be here soonish. Okay, then, let’s go say hi to your mom and dads.”
As they made their way to their living quarters, a mix of excitement and nervousness danced in Hudson’s stomach. Why did meeting Connie’s parents suddenly feel like something big? It wasn’t like he hadn’t met them before. He had.
“This feels different, doesn’t it?” Connie asked.
Leave it to his Right Hand to practically read his mind. “I was just thinking that. And it does. I guess it’s because this is the first time since we mated?”
“I guess? All I know is it’s different.” Connie took Hudson’s hand, linking their fingers as they walked. “But not in a bad way.”