After they’d changed into more comfortable clothes, the three of them gathered in the communal living area. The room was alive with the sound of laughter and animated chatter as they all caught up with each other.
As the delicious aroma of dinner filled the room, they made their way to the large dining table, where everyone sat together.
Amidst the sounds of clinking glasses and silverware, several dragons offered their condolences for Hudson’s recent loss. Their somber expressions a stark contrast to the otherwise jovial atmosphere.
It was so very obvious the court was worried about their king. Connie was well aware that not every court had such a comfortable relationship with their ruler.
He couldn’t help but appreciate the unique dynamic between Hudson and his court, knowing that not all dragons were fortunate enough to have such a close and comfortable relationship with their king.
He gave silent thanks to fate for bringing him to Hudson’s court so many years ago.
“Lanny? Is everything ready for the signing on Saturday?” Hudson inquired.
“Oh yes,” Lanny said. “We’re prepared on our end. I will, of course, stay.”
“And I’m ready too,” Kit said. “There will be snacks offered during the event for our customers.”
Torres nodded. “We’re ready on my end too. I checked in with Denisha. Kage, Maia, and Denisha will be there. She thinks Doc Terry and Axel will be there. So that makes four daemons and an Alpha werewolf.”
Good,” Hudson said. “And on our end?”
“I will be there, along with Audrey and Nelson, our combat specialists. That gives us you, Connie, Lanny, me, Audrey, and Nelson.”
“I’ll be there also,” Beckett volunteered. “That gives us seven dragons, four daemons, and an Alpha werewolf. Anyone who tries something stupid Saturday is just asking for trouble.”
“Don’t forget my bookstore also has a ward on it,” Kit said.
“Nevertheless, no one drops their guard,” Hudson said. “And whatever you do, do not underestimate Lennox. Kit? Would you pass me the salt?”
Everybody promised they would not.
Kit nodded as he passed Hudson the salt. “I’m really excited about it. We always have a good turnout when Austin does a signing. It’s good for him and me both.”
“Speaking of good things.” Hudson shot Connie a mischievous look. “Have you told Kit that your parents are coming to visit tomorrow?”
Kit choked on his water, coughing slightly as he set his glass down. “Shit. Say what now?”
“It’s not a big deal, Kit,” Connie admitted with a playful roll of his eyes. “My mom and dads are comingto visit tomorrow. They’re really excited about meeting you. Remember? I told you about this.”
“Well, yeah, but you never said when. I mean, tomorrow is like… tomorrow!”
“That gives you all night to panic,” Beckett said helpfully.
Kit glared at Beckett. “Thanks. That’s so helpful. I appreciate you.”
“Seriously, though, Connie’s parents are great,” Beckett said.
“I’ve met them,” Audrey said. “They are as nice as can be.”
Torres nodded. “I agree with Audrey. I’ve never heard Henrietta say an unkind word. His dads either.”
Several other dragons around the table reassured Kit about how great Connie’s parents were too.
Connie leaned back in his chair and looked at Kit across the table. “They will love you.”
“They really will,” Hudson agreed solemnly before reaching over to squeeze Kit’s hand reassuringly.
“Okay. Okay. I got this. It’ll be okay.”