After a quick phone call from Connie, the caterer he usually used was more than happy to do their wedding but warned that it would cost them. Once Hudson okayed that, ten minutes later, they had a menu to look at.
They ended up with three main entrées, and then another hour was spent discussing offering a full-service bar along with nonalcoholic drinks. Then, another hour was spent discussing a dessert table and whether hors d’oeuvres would be served before the dinner and dancing.
Kit almost fell off the chair when Connie repeated the quote for the food and bar service. “Mother of all.”
Hudson okayed it, and the caterer sent the contract to Connie.
“Okay, that’s reserved for our date,” Connie said as he pocketed his phone.
“I’m still not sure we should’ve done that before we reserved the venue,” Kit said.
“Don’t worry about the venue,” Hudson said. “I promise I’ll take care of it.”
“Okay, okay. I’m leaving that in your capable hands. But jeez, the food we just ordered. That seems to bea lotof food,” Kit said, voice quivering. “Dear God.”
“Paranormals,” Hudson reminded his mate, patting his belly. “We eat a lot.”
“But good grief, this much?” Kit asked.
Connie nodded. “They actually gave us a good deal on the food since we’re using them for the ball in December too.”
“Good Lord,” Kit muttered. He took a deep breath. “Okay, no freaking out about the price.”
“Which we can afford,” Connie reassured Kit. “I promise.”
“I know, I know, it’s just… that’s insanely pricey, and, and it’s enough food to feed a small army,” Kit lamely joked.
“There’s going to be a lot of people there,” Hudson said. “That is what you wanted, right?”
“Absolutely. I want this to be the event of the year.”
“Then we’re going to need enough food to feed a small army,” Hudson replied.
“And it’s going to cost,” Connie added. “Maybe we shouldn’t tell you if it stresses you? I promise you that wasn’t the most expensive menu I’ve ever done.”
“Gah. I keep forgetting you’re used to dealing with stuff like this,” Kit said.
“He excels at it,” Hudson reassured Kit.
Connie winked at them.
“Okay, invitations.” Kit rubbed his hands together. “And yeah, let’s not share what stuff costs. If you two are good with the prices of whatever, I need to stop freaking out about it.”
“Exactly,” Connie said.
“If there is more to discuss, though, I’m having someone bring us dinner,” Hudson said. “We can eat out here by the pool.”
“More? My love, I hate to tell you this, but we’re just getting started.”
“In that case, I’ll go get dinner and bring it back here.” Connie checked his watch. “It’s time anyway. Be thinking about invitations while I do this.”
“Get your phone out, Hudson.” Kit chuckled.
“Love, I really don’t have a preference. Whatever you want is fine by me. Connie?”
“Nope. You’re on your own on this. Kit’s going to want your thoughts on the matter, so get to looking. I’ll be right back,” Connie said as he left the pool area.
“Well, you heard our mate. Get to looking.” Kit moved next to Hudson to make sure he did what he was told.