Page 55 of Beyond the Darkness

“Because you’re a red dragon.”

“That’s probably part of it. Plus, that’s the gemstone color my dragon is attracted to.”

“I see. And you’re leaning toward which stone?” Kit asked. “Rubies, maybe?”

“My mate is incredibly smart. You’re right. I did think of several other stones, but I discounted them for a variety of reasons. I kept coming back to rubies. I also thought about pearls, but they’re very delicate.”

Kit nodded. “The real ones are, yes. If you don’t mind me asking, why pearls?”

“Because you seem to be obsessed with them lately.”

“Well, duh, and we have you to thank for that,” Kit pointed out. “You are the one who gave me the pearl body chain.”

Connie chuckled. “Speaking of, when are you going to wear that for us?”

“It’s a surprise. But speaking of pearls, I am incorporating them into our wedding, so I hope that’s okay,” Kit said.

“Whatever you want to do is fine by us,” Hudson said.

“You do realize how dangerous that is,” Kit joked.

“It would be dangerous if he didn’t mean it,” Connie said. “But he does.Whateveryou want is fine by us. We can certainly afford it.”

Kit cringed. “I know, I know. But I’m also still trying to wrap my head around how fabulously wealthy the both of you are.”

“He’s actually wealthier than me,” Connie pointed out.

“I don’t know, Connie, I’ve seen the artwork in your hoard. Anyway,” Kit said, waving his hand as if he was closing that subject. “Red roses are going to figure greatly at our wedding. I like roses, but I chose red because of you guys.”

“Because we’re red dragons?” Hudson asked.

“Of course.”

Connie was touched. This might be a human wedding, but Kit was trying to tailor it to the three of them.

“Thank you. It just so happens I like red roses,” Hudson said.

“Same,” Connie agreed. “And I guess it’s fitting that we do rubies for our wedding bands.”

“Rubies and red roses,” Kit mused. “I like it.”

“Excellent. So, next question. What type of wedding band do you want?” Hudson asked. “Do you want something with a big stone that sits on top of your finger or—”

“No, no, no. A big, honking ring that could put my eye out is fabulous and all, but I’m a working man. I’ll knock that sucker off its setting in no time. I want something that’s channel set.”

Hudson raised an eyebrow. “And what is that?”

Kit got his cell out. “Hold on just a sec, and I’ll show you.”

Hudson waited patiently as Kit scrolled.

Connie, on the other hand, knew what a channel setting was, but there were also a hundred different ways of achieving that look.

Kit found something, then handed his phone over to Hudson. “Is it me, or does that look like the stones are in an X and O design?” Hudson asked.

“Really?” Connie held his hand out. “I want to see.”

Hudson handed Kit’s cell over.