Page 36 of Beyond the Darkness

Hudson sucked in a sharp breath. “I know, but—”

Connie rumbled.

“But no one wanted to find out this way. Yeah. I got that,” Kit said. “And while none of usenjoyedfinding out like this, isn’t it better to know than not to?”

Hudson leaned his head back, then stared up at the sky. Taking a deep breath, he looked back at Kit, and then at the youngling he still held. “My mate wants to meet you. Can you behave yourself? No sparks. At all. Understand? Just look cute.”

The little dragon rolled his eyes but nodded enthusiastically.

“You might be young, but you are definitely old enough to know how to act.”

Kit didn’t point out that just because the youngling knew how didn’t mean he necessarily would, but Hudson’s patience was already thin, and Connie had already had one freak-out for the day. Why push their luck?

Hudson lowered the little dragon to the ground. “Again, this is my and Connie’s mate, who is not a dragon, which I know perfectly well you can tell.”

The youngling nodded, then lowered his muzzle in deference.

Kit pursed his lips. Now, he knew absolutely nothing about dragon babies, but to be fair, the sparks the little dragon had shot off were probably because Hudson had startled him. Everybody in his court knew who Kit was, including the youngest of them.

“Okay, Connie, let Kit go.”

Connie grumbled but uncurled from around Kit.

Kit popped up immediately, rubbing his hands together. “Where’s the baby dragon? And geez, shouldn’t you get dressed? He’s a baby, after all. Oh. Is he a he or a she?”

Hudson picked up his swimming trunks and slipped them on. “He is a male, and we call them younglings. Connie? If you want to switch back, that’s fine.”

Within seconds, Connie changed and pulled on his swim trunks. He glared at the little male. “Do we know who he is?”

“No. I also wonder where his caretaker is.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, that’s definitely something that should be addressed as soon as possible. But in the meantime, can I pet that baby dragon? Pleaseeeeeee?” Kit whined.

The baby dragon in question started doing tippy taps, his tail wagging behind him.

“Oh my Goddddddd, that’s the cutest thing ever!” Kit dropped down in front of the little male. “Is that a dragon thing? The tippy taps? You are the cutest thing ever. Yes, you are. Yes, you totally are.”

The youngling chirped happily as he climbed into Kit’s lap. He stretched his neck, preening, as Kit slowly stroked him from tip to tail, just like he would a cat.

Everyone could hear the youngling’s purrs.

“You’re absolutely adorable,” Kit whispered.

The youngling plopped down, gently kneading Kit’s leg as his tail swished. Loud, rumbling purrs drifted from him as Kit rubbed one of his ears. The young male turned his head and rubbed his jaw along Kit’s wrist.

Connie edged closer to Hudson. “Did he just scent mark our mate?”

“He’s a youngling, Connie,” Hudson said.

“I know that, but that doesn’t mean he’s unaware of what he’sdoing.” Connie sighed heavily at Hudson’s look. “Okay, fine, I’m sorry. I sound like a jerk, don’t I?”

The little shit in Kit’s lap licked Kit’s wrist.

“You are the cutest thingever!” Kit exclaimed, burying his face into the little male’s neck and kissing him.

The little male turned smugly toward Connie and winked. Then he hopped off Kit’s lap and ran toward the ice chest, which he flung himself into.

Laughing, Kit hurried after him. He was already halfway in love.