“Do not speak to me like—”
“Cyrus? Who?Whodied?”
He knew, of course. His stomach rolled unpleasantly because heknewthe name he was going to hear. There was only one person who would cause Eleanor to react like that—Hudson’s mother. Any other death in their court wouldn’t garner such a response.
Hudson glanced over at Kit, who was pale and had his hands covering his mouth. His eyes were huge above his fingertips. Connie had his arm around Kit, and his face was carefully blank, but Hudson could see the concern in Connie’s eyes.
Kit didn’t have the years with Hudson that Connie did, so he didn’t know. There was nowayfor him to know that Hudson’s relationship with his parents was strained, which was putting it nicely.
“Queen Abigail is dead. They killed her with a dragonbone dagger, of all things. Where the hell did they get something like that? And who would dare attack us? Us? The Fire Court of Dallas? Andhumansdid this? How?”
Hudson squeezed his eyes shut, trying to push away the overwhelming emotions crashing inside him. His mother was gone, and while he couldn’t deny feeling a sense of relief, it was quickly overshadowed by guilt.
He should be mourning her, but all he could think about was their strained relationship and the unresolved issues between them. It was a conflicting mix of emotions that left him reeling.
She’d never been mother material, which was why he was the only one of her eggs who had survived. She’d never loved him—she’d only loved the idea of him. Meaning she had hatched a royal who was strong, wealthy, handsome, and oversaw a strong court.
Eleanor and Cyrus might be Queen Abigail’s mates, but they were never parents to Hudson, which was why he called them by their first names. They were as arrogant and narcissistic as his own mother.
Hudson opened his eyes to see tears trailing down Kit’s face. Oh no, there was no need for that. He pulled Kit into his embrace with his free hand and hugged him gently. Connie came with them.
“It’s okay,” Hudson said quietly to Kit.
Wide-eyed, Kit stared up at Hudson.But, but… your mom,Kit mouthed at Hudson.
Hudson gently shook his head. Kit didn’t get it, but that sentence explained Hudson’s relationship perfectly. Kit called her mom. Queen Abigail was never a “mom.” She had always been “Mother.”
Oh well, he’d explain that soon enough. Wasn’t it odd that his first concern was Kit, and not that his mother had been murdered? Didn’t that speak volumes?
As he watched, Connie went to the attached bathroom and returned with some tissues, which he handed to Kit, who was the only one in tears. Connie understood the situation.
Hudson returned his attention to his phone. He had a horrible feeling he knew who had attacked his mother’s court, just like they had attacked….
Hudson jerked his attention to Connie. “They’re hitting the parents. Call yours immediately!”
Connie’s eyes widened. “But mine aren’t royalty like yours or being stalked like Kit’s.”
“Still your parents. Call now, Connie!” Hudson demanded.
Connie jerked his cell phone out of his pocket.
“Mother of all, no!” Kit whispered.
“Come on, come on,” Connie muttered. “Answer.”
The only worry Hudson felt now was for Connie’s parents, who he did like. In fact, he was very close to them.
A few seconds later, relief covered Connie’s face as Leo, one of Connie’s dads, answered.
That relief quickly dissipated when Hudson heard they’d been attacked too, but unlike his mother’s court, they had stellar security like Hudson. No one had been killed, thankfully.
“Hudson?” Cyrus asked.
“Forgive me, Connie was checking on his parents.”
“You need to be focused on yours,” Cyrus snapped.
Hudson barely stopped the growl that rumbled in his chest. “The humans who attacked you were hunters. I told my mother about them. They’re not regular humans. I told her that too. So, yes, I am worried about Connie’s parents.”