The person turned their head slightly and made eye contact with Kit.
For a brief moment, reality became distorted, and instead of the person strolling down the sidewalk, Kit perceived a creature with pointed ears and horns that spiraled up from their forehead, similar to Hudson’s appearance in his partially shifted form.
They were humanoid, but they were far from human. Unlike Hudson, who had strands of ropelike hair in this form, this being had waves of flames that swirled in a mesmerizing dance of vibrant oranges, fiery reds, and scorching yellows cascading down to their shoulders like a molten waterfall.
They seemed to meld seamlessly with the massive flaming wings that sprouted from their back, creating a breathtaking display of power.
Their eyes were a kaleidoscope of color that matched their flaming hair and wings. Instead of a mouth, they had a muzzle. They had two arms and two legs, but the legs were thick and muscular with oversized clawed feet—they had digitigrade legs.
Gaura winked at Kit as they continued down the sidewalk, now back in their human form.
Well, any reservations Kitmighthave had about taking over that bookstore had suddenly been answered. If Gaura was okay with it, then he was okay with it.
“Okay, guys, let’s go in and see just exactly what we’re dealing with.”
~End of the Dragons of San DeLain