Page 100 of Beyond the Darkness

“I haven’t had enough coffee yet to deal with you.”

“Grumpy dragon.”

“He’s not kidding. He’s had one cup,” Kit said as he joined them. “I overheard your conversation, and her name was Lila. I remember talking to Austin about it after she left, about what an impression he leaves with his fans. And speaking of Austin, where is he?”

“He, Isadora, and Maia are around here somewhere,” Kage said. “Kit? Did you see the letter?”

“No, actually, I didn’t, but I remember talking to Austin about it. Why?”

“The letter was not a simple correspondence but rather a list of business names owned by Lennox’s company Illuminacon. These businesses were used as a cover for their operations,” Kage explained.

“Holy shit, for real?” Kit gasped. “That’s freaking awesome.”

“It most certainly is. From what she said in the letter, her boyfriend was one of the ones forcibly injected with DNA. Her movements were not restricted, although they kept an eye on her,” Kage replied.

“Do we happen to know who her boyfriend is?” Hudson asked. “Or was?”

“Unfortunately, no. She didn’t say. I’m not sure that was even her real name. It most likely isn’t.”

“I hope she’s okay,” Kit said, concerned. “I hope they’re both okay.”

“If he was one of the hunters who was there last night, and surrendered, then we might find her,” Kage said.

“But should we?”

“It would be for their benefit if we did, Kit,” Kage answered. “Whatever the boyfriend was injected with, he doesn’t know the rules and the culture of that species. It would really help them adjust to their new lifestyle if they’re surrounded by those like them.”

“I see.”

“And since those businesses are shell companies, I’m going to have my hacker do a little hacking. Those companies are going to belong to us soon, and by us, I mean the paranormal leaders of San DeLain. I’m going to send a list out with all the businesses. It’s first come first serve when it comes to claiming a business.”

Hudson opened his mouth, then frowned.

“I remembered. It won’t be on there,” Kage promised. “In fact, consider it yours.”

“What are you talking about?” Kit asked.

Kage turned to face Kit. “Just some business between myself and Hudson. Nothing new. We have several joint ventures, in fact. And how are you doing?”

“I am surprisingly well. I had myself a nice little freak out, not because I had any feelings for Don but because a life was wasted in such a horrific way. Then I cursed Lennox and Nox up a storm… and now I feel five pounds lighter.”

Kage nodded. “So pretty much the same exact thing Austin went through, just minus the Don aspect of it.”

“I know it’s not completely over—that the cleanup and the dismantling of Lennox’s corporation still has to happen, but I’m good. I’m really, really good,” Kit said.

“I’m glad. Now, let’s get this party started,” Kage said. “Everyone? Can I have everybody’s attention, please? Thank you. Okay, let me start by saying first off, thank you all for helping.”

“Connie and I owe you all a debt,” Hudson added. “So, thank you. A mate is the most important thing for any of us, and the thought of losing him or her is more than any paranormal can stand. So, again, thank you.”

“We’ve learned valuable intel that will help put an end to Lennox’s operations,” Kage said, continuing. “During the signing yesterday, someone approached Austin and delivered a list of shell companies.”

There were several murmurs of excitement.

“We, the paranormal leaders of San DeLain, are going to take those businesses and split them up among us. Now, the gargoyles and the vampires are not here since it’s daylight, but I will be informing Ward and Raven of our findings. By the dead gods, we should get something back from all that Lennox and Nox took from us.”

Whispers of approval rippled through the crowd.

“Starting a week from Tuesday, in the late evening, my hacker will put these businesses up for sale on a secured website and the leaders may bid on them,” Kage concluded. “My hacker will be doing this, not me because I also will be bidding. It is literally going to be first come first serve, and I will not have an advantage.”