Page 89 of Trouble Walked In

“That’s what you get for stealing my clothes, short stuff.”

“I’m not short. You just have bird legs.” Della sat down on the step next to Lizzie. “What’s up with Carter? I passed by him on the way over and he looked miserable.”

Lizzie grimaced. “He has a crush on me.”

“I know. Everyone knows. You mean you didn’t?”

Lizzie shook her head but didn’t comment. She didn’t trust herself to speak about it yet.

Della looked thoughtful. “Let me guess. He confessed his love and you told him he’s too young for you, right? He’ll find someone his own age, you’re in love with someone else, you love him but not like that? That’s usually what I tell them. Well, except for the young part. I usually tell them they’re too old for me, even if they’re not.”

Lizzie considered her sister. “You do that a lot?”

“Enough.” Della shrugged. “It goes with the job, really. I’m building a fantasy on stage, you know? The song, the clothes, the dancing. It all takes the audience away from the world for a while. It’s not surprising that some of them would like to stay with the girl they think they see.”

Lizzie nodded. “Good point.”

They watched the boats sail by on the lake below in companionable silence for a few minutes. The pain in Lizzie’s heart dulled to an ache that left her tired and lonely, despite the company.

“Carrie said Renic went back to the city,” Della said.

Lizzie stared at the water. “Yes.”

“He didn’t say goodbye.”

“No.” Why did that simple statement of fact hurt so much?

Della wrapped her arms around her knees and laid her head down. “He wants me back in the city for a big meeting on Wednesday.”

Of course he did. He’d want Della back in the city as soon as possible, before she had time to change her mind. “Okay. You need a ride to the airport?”

“Nah. I have a car coming. I figure it’ll be better for you if I’m seen driving away from here. It’ll lure the cameras away.” Della glanced sideways at her. “So was I right? Are you in love with someone else?”

Lizzie put an arm around her sister’s shoulders and squeezed. “I love you, Dell Bell.”

Della pushed her away. “You know what I mean. We all know you two hooked up the other night. You weren’t exactly quiet.”

Lizzie’s cheeks turned instantly hot. “You heard us?”

Della laughed. “Not me. I had headphones on. But Carter did.”

Lizzie groaned. “No wonder he said something today.”

“Yeah. Poor guy. You know, you could do worse.” Della nudged her shoulder.

“Della!” Lizzie gaped at her. “He’s like a younger brother to me. Emphasis on young.”

“Just kidding!” Della giggled. “But it’s not like you’ve been dating anybody else. Carrie says you haven’t been out with anyone since you moved here. Why is that?”

Lizzie gestured at the house behind them. “I’m busy getting this place running.”

Della glanced at it. “Seems pretty put together to me.”

“Looks are deceiving. It needs a lot of work. There’s a whole wing that hasn’t been renovated, and plumbing that needs to be updated, and the outbuildings that should be converted and—”

Della waved the to-do list away with the flick of one hand. “Give me a break. That’s everyday stuff, and none of it would keep you from dating.”

“There’s no time for men when plumbing is involved.” Lizzie thought about the Rose Room covered in water. “No money either.”