Page 22 of You Found Me

Ward suppressed the urge to give Brian a sharp retort and hang up. It wasn’t the man’s fault. “Inform Ms. Bellamy that burgers and fries can be delivered. Just like ice cream.”

“Uh…she says that fries are best when you eat them in the car, sir.”

“If you don’t open this gate right now, I’ll climb over it!” Ms. Bellamy shouted. “So help me, God, I will.”

He strangled his temper and schooled his tone into something that almost resembled calm. “Put Ms. Bellamy on the phone.”

“Yes, sir.”

A lot of scuffling noises were followed by the screen flaring to life with a video feed.

Ms. Bellamy’s angry face popped onto the screen. “It’s just a burger, Warden. I won’t even get out of the car, and Greg is right here. Tell him, Greg.”

The phone swiveled to reveal Greg. He looked deeply uncomfortable. “The place is less than a mile away. Won’t take fifteen minutes. Twenty, tops, with traffic.”

The view shifted back to Ms. Bellamy. “See? It’s not a big deal.”

Irritation prickled along his forehead and poked a headache into life. Clearly, Greg still didn’t get it. He had a lot of potential, but he couldn’t seem to get past the need to give his client everything she wanted. He’d be a decent field agent if Ward could just untangle him from Ms. Bellamy’s charming tentacles. “It’s a very big deal, Ms. Bellamy. I’ve explained why several times.”

“It’s been two weeks, Warden.”

He gritted his teeth. “The name is Ward.” The Marines had made him a very patient man, but this woman had a way of jumping up and down on a part of him he’d thought he’d buried in basic training.

“How many names are on the list now,Ward?”

“Now is not the time or place for a status update. Please return to the house.”

“I’m not getting out of this car until I get my fries.”

The parking lot was filling up and getting loud. He got into his SUV. “I’m on my way.”

She scowled at him. “I don’t want a burger delivered,Ward. I don’t want ice cream or flowers or anything else delivered either. I want to goout.Me. Not you. Theoutpart is key.”

“Out is exactly whereyoushouldn’t go. We talked about this. If you need excitement, Annie and Spencer will stop by tomorrow. I’m sure Annie can keep you busy with a self-defense workout.”

“I can’t keep doing this.” Her face softened into something almost desperate. “I can’t stay here like this. I can’t…come on. It’s just a drive. Please.”

A traitorous part of him almost relented.


“I’m sorry, Ms. Bellamy.”

The stony look in her eyes pushed at him. If he didn’t toss her a bone, she really would climb the fence. The best way to calm a client was to involve them in the process. He didn’t like it, but he’d do it if it kept her contained a little while longer. “Please go back to the house and wait for me in the front room.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. “What, like a dog?”

He was going to deeply regret what he was about to do, but what choice did he have? “I’d like to get your take on some of the names on the list.”

“Oh.” Her expression morphed into something far too bright and excited. “Ohreally. That’s…surprising. Unexpected, even. But cool. Okay, I’ll wait in your dungeon room. But don’t forget the burger. And fries.”

He ended the call. “Damn celebrities.”

Over an hour later, after he’d woven his way like a salmon up the stream of traffic, Ward was surprised to find his protectee dutifully waiting for him on the loveseat in the front room. He’d expected her to get bored and wander off in search of something shiny.

He deposited the greasy bag of takeout onto her lap. “Ms. Bellamy. Your fries.”

“Thanks.” She popped a fry into her mouth and shuddered. “Gross. I told you fries are only good in the car.”