“Especially from me,” Della said.
Lizzie swept them into a group hug so tight it was hard to breathe. “I’m so proud of all of you. I can’t believe how well this tour has gone. I’m so happy I could cry.”
Della made a strangled sound. “Air!”
Lizzie laughed and released them. “Sorry. I’m just…I might be backstage, but I still get caught up in the moment.”
Della was astonished to see actual tears in her normally calm sister’s eyes.
Mattie gave Lizzie another hug. “We need to plan the next tour now. That way this won’t feel like an ending.”
“That’s a great idea!” Della nodded enthusiastically. “Maybe we could add a few smaller shows to the mix, so we can get closer to the fans.”
“You know I’m up for that,” Piper said.
“We’re already working on it,” Lizzie said, “but the next tour won’t start for, well, awhile, at any rate. Somebody has a wedding to plan first.”
A smile passed between Lizzie and Mattie that spoke of secrets and intimacies that only couples knew about. Della shifted and looked away, a little uncomfortable. Lately, it seemed like her sisters had all joined a club that single girls weren’t allowed to enter.
Renic patted Della on the back. “It’s a long line tonight, but it’s the last one for a while, so enjoy it.”
“I don’t mind,” Della told him.
“You used to hate working the line,” Piper pointed out, looking amused.
“Yeah. I know. I used to be a shit.” Della wrinkled her nose.
“Used to be?” Piper teased.
“Bite me.” Della stuck out her tongue. It was playful banter now instead of hurt feelings talking, and it warmed her heart to have it back.
The line of diehard fans snaked all the way down the hall and out the distant door at the end. They clutched backstage passes and held up their phones to record every second, even though all they could see was a slim portion of the backstage area and the security team.
The four guys dressed all in black at the entrance to the hall looked like they could each bench-press a truck, and they wore identical stony expressions.
“Wow, thatisan epic line,” Piper said as she tiptoed to get a look past the guards.
“How long have they been waiting?” Della glanced back at Renic.
“Just the last two songs,” he assured her. “There’s video screens, so they still got to see everything.”
“Good,” Della said with a flare of relief. Her days of taking all of this, and the fans, for granted were over.
She, Piper, and Mattie worked their way down the line, spending quality time with each fan because they’d given up time and money to get this extra special attention.
By the time they were done, well over two hours later, Della’s euphoria had settled into a pleasant hum of tired satisfaction. She stretched her arms up to ease the muscles in her back. “Okay, let’s get the party started.”
“We need showers,” Mattie said with an exasperated smile. “Besides, the wrap party doesn’t start for at least an hour. Maybe longer. They have to finish the tear down first.”
“I want to get there first to make sure everything’s ready.” Della rubbed her hands together in anticipation. “I can’t wait to spring the surprise. I love parties.”
“You’re kidding. You love parties?” Piper rolled her eyes. “I could have sworn you preferred to hide in dark corners alone with your thoughts.”
“Where’s our coordinator in chief?” Della tip-toed to get a good look around.
“Over there.” Piper pointed to where Renic and Lizzie stood near the back wall. There was something about the way they looked at each other that made Della feel like they were all intruding on a private moment.
Beyond them, Piper’s boyfriend, Blake Ryan, Hollywood’s hottest actor turned hottest director, leaned against a crate with a bunch of flowers in his hands, waiting with cool patience. Blake made sure to stay out of line of sight of the fans, but nothingcould have kept him from supporting Piper tonight. Della liked that about him. He always put Piper first.