Page 93 of Golden Atonement

Sandman growled, turning back around.

Walking over to him, I handed him a photo. “Is that her?”

Taking it, he looked at the picture and nodded.

“Frost emailed that to me. Her name is Ivy Scott. She is the sister to Malice, the enforcer in the Soulless Sinners. Her father is Devlin Scott. The owner of the BDSM Club Trick Pony,” I said, looking at Ravage, who stiffened but said nothing as I continued, “There is a meet tomorrow. I’m going to need you and Ravage with me.”

With a slam of my gavel, I brought church to order. The only ones missing were Viper and Bayou, only because no one seemed to know where those fuckers were.

Leaning forward, I looked toward the corner of the room where Sandman was standing and began. Fucker was itching toget on his bike and get to Ivy. “I got a call from Disturbed. Looks like Luc called for a meeting withLos Santanasand asked for us to join him. The meet is tomorrow.”

“Good.” Bullseye grinned. “Then we can return the bodies.”

“What bodies?”

“The three fuckers Hangman and I killed in town today.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” I groaned, shaking my head. “Do I even want to fucking know what happened?”

“Nope,” Bullseye clipped as Phantom smirked.

“Anyway,” I growled. “Sandman and Ravage will go with me. The Wraith Warriors will also attend, since they cover the border with Oregon.”

“I know I’m not an officer so why am I here?” Axel asked, looking around the room.

“All of you are here because there is something else I need to tell you.”

“Swear to fucking God, Reaper,” Bullseye groaned. “If you’ve been keeping secrets again, I’ll kill you myself.”

“It’s not a secret,” I snarked. “It has to do with the files Ghost spent five years looking for.”

Leaning forward, Massacre asked, “The kid figured out that file, didn’t he?”

Of course, Massacre would know what I was referring to. He, along with Viper and Bayou, were part of the group that left with Ghost all those years ago to go on a wild-goose chase. In the end, they found what they were looking for. Only, none of us knew what we had at the time because all we cared about was taking down theSociety. It was only after we accomplished that feat that Sypher got bored one night and started going through the rest of the files. What he found was shocking.

“Yeah, he did,” I answered, then said, “Phantom, as of right now, you are working with Sypher. He needs help. He’s waiting for your call.”

Bullseye’s woman said nothing when she got up from the table and headed to her office.

“What I’m about to tell you stays here. The only other person who knows is Remi and only because it partially concerns her. I promised no more secrets, so get comfortable. I’ve got a lot to say.”

Several hours later, I watched in silence as I let my brothers absorb what I’d just told them.

“Why don’t you take this to the table?” Matrix asked when no one else spoke up. “They need to know this.”

Looking at my brother, I narrowed my eyes. “You volunteering to go with me?”

Matrix flinched, then growled, “Fuck no.”

“I do that, then I show our hand. Everyone at that table has their own organization to worry about. This is biker business and I fucking flat out refuse to bring it to Montana. I don’t trust the asshole.”

“Does my uncle know?” Bullseye growled.

“Not yet, but he will soon,” I admitted. “Sypher is almost ready with the files. As soon as he has them all set up, he will send them out.”

“It’s gonna cause a shitstorm,” Ravage stated.

“Yeah, but it will keep everyone busy.” Massacre grinned. “It’s brilliant.”