Frowning, I whispered, getting to my feet, “Okay.”
“Everything okay?” Max asked, a concerned look on his face.
I shrugged my shoulders but said nothing when I took my sister’s hand and walked her toward the offices. Seeing an empty room, I stepped in and closed the door behind us.
Sunny had always been a private person before Sandman, and even more so after the two got together. They had a connection that was on another level. Something only they understood. While the entire club knew they both loved each other, their relationship went beyond what most conventional couples had. Their love was almost spiritual in a way.
Standing in the room, I watched as Sunny quietly paced, nibbling on her thumbnail as she tried to find the right words. I knew my sister wouldn’t just blurt anything out. Whatever was bothering her had to be coaxed out, gently.
“Is everything okay with Soleil?”
She immediately smiled. “Oh yes. She’s wonderful.”
“Has Jax gotten into trouble in school already?”
Shaking her head, she grinned. “Oh no. He’s good. He’s enjoying his classes this year. He’s even thinking of trying out for the football team.”
I chuckled. “And Solomon?”
And there it was, a frown.
Okay. So the issue was with Solomon.
Walking over to her, I took her hands in mine and whispered, “Sunny, breathe. Whatever it is, we will figure it out. What is going on with Solomon?”
“It’s not him. It’s me.”
Confused, I asked, “Okay? What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m pregnant.”
Blowing out a deep breath, I nodded.
Yeah, now I understood the reason for her concern.
“And he doesn’t know yet?”
Sunny shook her head. “I just found out, so I can’t be that far along. Oh God, Remi. How am I going to tell him? It devastated Solomon when we lost the baby. He can’t go through that again.”
“Honey, you both lost a baby. Not just Solomon, and you will not lose this one. I know you’re worried, but this baby is goodnews. Joyous news. You should be celebrating, not worrying yourself sick over the past. Solomon needs to know he’s going to be a dad again.”
“What if he doesn’t want it?” she whispered.
Hugging my sister, I said, “He does. He just doesn’t know it yet.”
The door flung open, scaring Sunny and me, and we jumped apart.
There, standing in the doorway, was Solomon. The love of my sister’s life, saying absolutely nothing while he stared at his Sunshine.
“Fucking move, asshole,” Max grumbled from behind the large mute man.
Rolling my eyes, I sighed, turning to my sister. “Secrets never stay secret for long in this place.”
“What’s going on?” Bullseye asked, as Solomon still refused to move.
“Fucker’s blocking the door.”
“Why?” Phantom asked.