Page 142 of Golden Atonement

“Already did.” The man grinned. “I may not wear the cut anymore, but I still know how the game is played.”

“Where is my cousin?” Bullseye growled.

“Hiding in the one place no one will ever look for him.”

Bullseye huffed but said nothing.

I got he didn’t like being kept in the dark about someone he cared about, but even Dylan could accept the fewer people that knew the truth, the safer Ace was.

“What do you want me to do, Reaper, ‘cause shit is about to get fucking real fast?” Ghost asked.

Right now, there were too many moving parts. I wasn’t sure about shit until the cards fell in place. Until then, I wasn’t willing to bet on anything.

Leaning forward, I said, “We stay the course. Sypher and Phantom need more time decoding the files Pops left us. That has to be our primary objective. As for the other shit, unless it directly involves us, we leave it alone.”

“What about those ghost files popping up in the underworld?” Massacre asked.

“Not our problem. If someone out there wants to play Russian roulette with the table, then that’s on them. That has nothing to do with us.”

“What ghost files?” Ghost asked.

Sighing, I said, “Files have been dropping all over. Every faction in the underworld has received them. Every file is unique, but every file contains incriminating evidence against the receiver, and if released into the real world, it’s enough evidence to put them away for life.”

“Have you received anything?” Ghost inquired.

“My sins are public knowledge. I have nothing to hide.”

“And Sinclair?” Massacre asked, then added, “Gotta say, brother, I don’t trust the man. There’s something off about him. Can’t put my finger on it, but I don’t trust the man.”

“Me either,” Bullseye agreed.

Smirking, I shook my head. “Don’t have to like him to work with him. The man is singular, driven, and won’t let anyone or anything impede what he wants.”

“What does he want?” Ghost questioned.

Turning to my best friend, I replied, “Thena Hartley.”

“Popeye’s daughter?” Bullseye frowned. “Why in the hell does that woman’s name keep popping up?”

“I don’t know, but we’re going to find out why.”

Chapter Twenty-One


I sighed as the TSA announcements about delayed flights, boarding’s and forgotten baggage blasted overhead non-stop since I sat down. Exasperated, I casually glanced at the fellow passengers. Most of them were traveling alone, unlike me, who was traveling with four overly alpha men, one of which was currently arguing with the flustered woman behind the counter. Apparently, Max thought if he talked to her, he could get more information than I did not even ten minutes ago. When he angrily plopped his ass in a seat next to me, I tried not to smirk.

“And how did it go?” I muttered, flipping the page in the book I bought in one of the many gift shops.

“Weather over Kansas.”

“Huh. Funny, ‘cause that’s what she told me.”

He growled. “This fucking blows.”

“Well, if you had taken Maxim up on his offer, we could have been halfway home by now.”

“I don’t want anything from him. You know that.”