Catarina shook her head. “No. Ravage says she doesn’t need one.”
“That’s not his decision to make, and after everything that’s happened to Karlyn, if anyone needs a therapist, it’s her. She won’t heal if she keeps everything bottled up. I’ll talk with Max after we get back from town and see what he says. In themeantime, we need to get the brats loaded up and get this fiasco over with fast.”
After three hours of last-minute school shopping, making sure Emma had everything she needed, chasing the boys all over the damn mall, and one minor incident with a potted plant, I was at my wit’s end. The second we pulled into the compound and parked the SUV, the boys ran for the hills, and I no longer cared what mischief they got into.
Stretching, I got out myself and smiled when Max walked over.
Turning to Emma, I asked, “Do you need my help with anything?”
The girl looked at me and snarked, “I don’t need anything from you.”
Emma was still angry, and I refused to engage with her. As far as I was concerned, she had every right to be angry and voice her concerns. Max, on the other hand, believed differently.
“Watch it, little girl,” he sneered, pointing a finger at his daughter.
“Or what? You’ll ground me?”
“No, I’ll fucking burn everything your mother just bought you and you can go to school dressed in what you’re wearing. So knock off the fucking attitude.”
“Max,” I whispered. “Leave her alone.”
“Fuck that, Remi,” he shouted. “She’s acting like a fucking brat.”
“She has every right to be upset, Max.”
“The fuck she does!” my husband scoffed. “We’ve given her everything she’s ever wanted and she shits on us the first minutethings don’t go her way. She needs to fucking learn the world doesn’t revolve around her. She needs to fucking grow up.”
“She’s a teenager Max.”
“I don’t care.”
“That’s right!” Emma screamed. “You don’t care. You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
“What the hell did she mean by that?” Max asked, as we both watched Emma run off, upset.
Shaking my head, I said, “She’s mad at you for fake dying and she’s mad at me for taking her away and then abandoning her. But more importantly, she’s scared because she doesn’t feel safe.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“It means we need to show her stability. That we are solid and not going anywhere. We need to give her time, Max. With everything that’s happened, I’m shocked she isn’t worse. Speaking of which, I think Logic needs to increase his visits.”
“Because Emma isn’t the only one who needs therapy. I want Logic to take a look at Karlyn. Cat told me she barely leaves her room.”
“She’s Ravage’s woman. I can’t interfere.”
“The hell you can’t. He hasn’t formerly claimed her and she’s Ink sister. Plus, as the President, you can order Ravage to back off so Logic can help Karlyn.”
“Have you met Ravage?” Max laughed. “That fucker is about as bad as Sandman. Maybe worse.”
Pointing my finger in Max’s chest, I glared, daring the asshole to deny me. “Either you handle this, or I will. That woman needs help and she’s going to get it. Got me?”
Max gulped and nodded. “Sure, babe. Consider it fixed.”
“Good. I expect to see Logic here in the next few days.” I smiled, heading for the clubhouse, then added, “Oh, and while you are standing around doing nothing, bring the bags inside.”
The second I stepped inside the clubhouse, I came to a complete stop as a dozen long-stemmed red roses sat beautifully displayed in a crystal vase on top of the club bar. Behind the bar stood Ink, grinning like an idiot as he wiped down the bar.