“And that’s why we’re heading down to help. Whatever is going on, I’ll know soon enough. Do me a favor and keep an eye on Sunny. Can’t have her lose that baby.”
My wife nodded as I kissed her forehead and headed for the door, only to hear her yell after me, “Don’t kill Montana!”
Smirking, I turned and said, “No promises, babe.”
Running from the house back to the clubhouse, I found all the brothers geared up and ready to ride as Bullseye walked over.
“Sandman is in the warehouse district of Destiny. It’s on the north side of town, right before the city limits. Hangman knows exactly where it’s at.”
“Then we follow him.”
Taking my phone out of my pocket, I sent a quick text to Luc.
Me:On our way.
Smiling, I walked out of the clubhouse, ready for some fun.
The ride from Purgatory to Destiny took a little over twenty minutes, and by the time we neared the location, we could all hear gunshots, and from the sound of it, there was still plenty of fighting going on.
Revving my bike, I took the lead, heading toward the fight. The second I got close enough, I saw that Disturbed and the Soulless Sinners were trapped. I would have expected more from Disturbed, considering they were all prior military. As for the Soulless Sinners, I expected nothing less. Only a moron would lead his men into a trap.
Balancing my bike between my legs, I reached for my guns.
I was going to fucking show Montana what a real president was supposed to be. Thesounds of thundering pipes roared toward the fight at high-speed, then, I fired wildly before jumping from my bike, rolling on the ground, only to come up crouching. Dropping my guns, I reached for my blades, slashing and cutting my way through the souls that dared come near me. My brothers all walked around the area at a leisurely pace, firing at anything that moved, not caring about the war zone we’d just ridden into.
“Ravage!” I shouted, aiming at another dead fucker, quickly putting a bullet in his forehead. “Go find Sandman!”
“On it!”
Looking around the destruction, I shook my head as Massacre happily laughed while he plugged several men with metal. His brother, Player, at his back, always. Ink took off with Jason hot on his heels, both men were walking arsenals as they made a path of blood and death along the way. Hangman saton his bike looking bored, popping off shots at whoever came his way. I spotted Bullseye walking over to Vicious, shaking his head. He easily killed the men keeping Vicious in place when we all heard Luc shout, “Everyone, get the fuck down!”
The second the words left his mouth, green laser lights lit up the area while men fell to the ground like dominos. The second the last shot was fired, I stood and watched six men walk leisurely forward through the smoke and debris like they were out for a Sunday stroll. The man in the middle stopped before Luc, extending his hand.
“That’s two you owe me, Lucifer.”
The man happily taking his hand, as he helped him to his feet.
“It’s still one, and this shit doesn’t count. What the fuck are you doing here, Law?”
“Seems we both are looking for the same fucknut,” the man said when Ace walked over to me.
“Fancy seeing you hear, Max.”
“Go away Ace,” I groaned, and the man laughed as men in tactical gear breached the warehouse. “We need to talk.”
Looking at the man who I once considered my brother, I frowned. “About what?”
Nodding, I looked around as Bullseye walked over, giving Ace a brotherly hug and hearty slap on the back.
“Where is he?” Ace asked, looking around the area.
“Looking for Sandman.”
“Good,” Ace muttered. “Because what I’m about to say, he doesn’t need to hear. I’m gonna make this brief ‘cause information is still fluid. I need both of you to keep Jackson contained. I don’t care how you do it, but I have reason to believe that his past is about to make an appearance.”
Taking a deep breath, I glared at Ace while Dylan spoke, “What past?”