Page 29 of Golden Atonement

As soon as that son of a bitch, Baranov, was dead, I was leaving and never coming back.

I smirked at that.

Even I knew that was a lie.

I will be back someday. And when that day came, I wouldn’t be leaving empty-handed. I had a score to settle with Montana and his fucking club. Maxim would get his when I was damn good and ready.

Fucker thought I didn’t know.

Well, he was in for a world of hurt when I let that nugget of truth out into the world.

“Reaper, you sure about this, man?” Bullseye asked while we all sat around in a motel going over the plan one more fucking time. It wasn’t just me and my brothers in this room. I had Sypher reach out to Ace, knowing his team needed to be clued in on the truth also.

It wasn’t just my brothers’ lives on the line anymore.

The closet door was open and all the skeletons were storming out.

I fucking plotted and planned for this day for years.

I knew how everything would go, but no one fucking believed me.

Maybe now they would.

“We do this and there is no going back.”

Looking at my blood, I sneered, “Nothing but death will stop me.”

“Good enough for me,” Savage chuckled, leaning back against a pillow. “Just point to where you want me, man. I’m tired of this shit and want to go home to my wife.”

“Preach,” Ink and Player said.

I played a long motherfucking game, and in a matter of hours, it was going to be over. I fucking knew it, and so did my brothers. For the last few years, we’d endured hardships and pain that would kill the average man, but not us.

We were fucking Golden to the core.

Not even the Grim Reaper himself could stop us from our endgame.

Looking at the kid, I said, “Tell them everything, Sypher. The whole truth.”

The kid nodded and began, “I’ve been tracking all the players since the Golden Wedding.”

Several eyes turned and glared at me.

Yeah. I fucking knew they wouldn’t like that part.

Another fucking secret I would have to atone for, but not today.

Today was the day I secured my woman’s freedom.

“Anyway.” The kid gulped. “Like I was saying, I’ve been watching everyone for a while now. Reaper knew the wedding wouldn’t stop theSociety, so he asked me to find the middleman. I didn’t understand at first, but I agreed. It took me some time, but eventually I found him. The middleman is none other than Boris Petrovitch. The same man who kidnapped Remi and tortured her. But more importantly, the man Petrovitch works for, Konstantin Baranov, is the man who’s been after Remi all this time. To make things more interesting,Petrovitch is Maxim’s brother. Something the Bloodletter failed to disclose to Reaper when they made the blood pact. What you also need to know is that Montana wasn’t exactly forthcoming either, because I also found information that Montana’s father, George Stone, has worked with Petrovitch and Baranov in the past. But that’s not even the worst of it.”

“How much worse can it get?” Matthew Law asked.

Looking at his baby brother, Ace groaned. “Jesus Christ, Danny, just tell us.”

“I found another player.”

Leaning forward, Bullseye asked, “What do you mean, another player? You said you’ve been watching all the players since the wedding.”