“Yes.” He nodded. “But she was just a little girl and was never subjected to the horrors of what awaited her when she turned eighteen. Even if you were to tell Emma the truth, she will not believe it. Right now, her mind is full of information she got from a woman she trusted.”
“How do we fix this?” Remi asked.
“You don’t.” Logic sighed. “I do, and it’s going to take time. Which is why I’m suggesting taking Emma out of the environment she’s in and putting her in neutral territory. A place where she feels safe and can still get the help she needs.”
“And where the fuck is that?” I asked.
“Disturbed,” Logic said, quickly holding up his hand. “And before you tell me no, you two have a new baby on the way. Right now, Remi doesn’t need this stress, and you know it, Reaper. Plus, with everything you have going on, are you really willing to risk the chance of your daughter getting mixed up in that shit?”
“No,” I growled.
“I’ve already mentioned it to Luc, and he has agreed. Until Emma can filter through the lies, she needs to be in a place where she doesn’t feel threatened. A place where she has access to therapy when shit gets too much for her.”
“What about school?” Remi asked.
“There are schools in Destiny, Remi. With your permission, Saint can have her transferred by tomorrow.”
“So soon?” my wife gasped.
“Yeah. After what she revealed this morning, I think it’s best for everyone involved.”
“Do it,” I said, getting to my feet.
Remi gasped. “Max.”
Shaking my head, I clearly stated, “He’s right, Remi. I love Emma, but I will not allow what happened this morning to happen again. To make matters worse, I get to explain to our son what a whore is. But more importantly, I will allow no one, even our daughter, to hurt you again. If Logic thinks he can get her head straight, we are going to let him try.”
With that said, I walked out of the house.
Looking at the clock, I noted the time.
Two hours before school let out and she returned home. I hated myself for what I was going to do, but I knew Logic was right. The only way to help Emma was to take her out of the situation and put her in a neutral setting where she could get the therapy she needed.
“She will be fine, Reaper,” Luc said over the speaker. “Give you my word. Nothing’s gonna happen to that girl. She may not like the rules set in place, but she will adapt. Logic is the best atwhat he does. Hell, man, if he can get my Ivy talking, Emma’s gonna be a snap.”
“Speaking of Ivy. How is she?”
“Still as mouthy as ever.” He chuckled. “But nothing I can’t handle.”
“Any issues fromLos Santanas?”
“Nope,” the man clearly said. “All is quiet on my end.”
“That changes, let me know.”
“Will do, brother,” the man said before disconnecting the call.
Leaning back in my chair, I had just closed my eyes when Massacre happily walked in. “Hiya, boss. Company’s here!”
Groaning, I sat up when Cesar Vitale and two of his brothers, Massimo and Emmanuelle, walked in behind him.
The Vitale brothers were nothing more than hired thugs. Violent and dangerous thugs. Cesar and his brothers had worked for Giovanni Valentinetti occasionally before Cesar took over running the City of Chicago. The Vitale brothers fled Italy in a hail of gunfire, making them the only remaining descendants of the Vitale family. Bianchi decimated and eradicated their entire family due to a deal gone wrong. The brothers only survived because their father snuck them out of Italy in the dead of night. Left to their own devices, the Vitale brothers made a name for themselves in the criminal underground by offering their assistance to anyone who could pay handsomely. It didn’t take long before everyone knew them as the Mafia Manhunters.
They didn’t care who they worked for.
Only that they were paid handsomely for their services.
They were only loyal to each other and the money on the table.