Page 137 of Golden Atonement

“I’ve made a home here with the Soulless Sinners.”

“I know.”

“Then what are you asking of me?”

“A first in motorcycle club history. Something no one has ever done,” I offered, already knowing that Montana would reject the idea.

“And that is?”

“Dual club membership.”

“FUCK NO!” Montana roared, jumping to his feet. “Never gonna happen.”

“Montana, let Reaper finish,” Mercy placated, trying to calm the volatile man down.

“Think of Vicious as an ambassador. An emissary of sorts, if you will. He would be persona non grata. Untouchable. He would be the liaison between both clubs.” I grinned, then said the one fucking thing that would get the fucker’s blood boiling red hot, “Think of Vicious as the voice of reason.”

“Are you fucking kidding me right now! You’ve been talking with Reaper behind my back!”

“Nope,” Vicious said flatly, looking around the room. “Wasn’t me.”

“Then who the fuck was it?”


Now it was my turn to fucking shout, but I never got the chance.

“THAT’S IT!” Montana roared.

Going for his weapon, he frowned, patting down his body. Turning to his VP, he snarled, “Where the fuck are my guns?”

“Took them off you at the Gentlemen’s Club.”

“I’m ordering you to shoot that kid!”

Bullseye slowly turned to Montana and growled, “You do, and I will fucking kill you myself.”

Mercy groaned, glaring at Bullseye. “Will you stop? You’re not helping. I can handle Montana.”

“Apparently about as well as I can handle Reaper,” Bullseye deadpanned, shaking his head.

Getting to my feet, I roared, pointing at Montana, “YO! Loudmouth. Shut the fuck up!” Turning to Sypher, I sneered, he gulped, taking a step back. “Boy, you better have a damn good fucking reason for being here. Didn’t that loudmouthed pussy over there threaten to fucking kill you if you ever stepped foot in his shitty ass club again?”

“It wasn’t just him, Reaper,” another kid no older than Sypher said, walking up to stand right next to him. “We knew this was the only way to get you both in the same room.”

“What the fuck is he talking about, Sypher? I’m here because that piece of shit over there let one of his boy scouts marry a Golden Legacy without my permission!”

“That’s the least of your worries.”

“Pippen’s right, Reaper,” Sypher quickly said. “Trouble is coming.”

“Why is it when they say shit like that, I get scared,” I vaguely heard Massacre whisper.

“We all do,” Fury, the Soulless Sinners’ Sergeant at Arms, replied.

Growling, I took a step toward Sypher and the kid started speaking fast.

“You know my brother Ace works for Harbor Security. They are working with the FBI, going over all the files they found at the Trick Pony. The Bureau even contracted Harbor Security to help find all the members of the club to bring them to justice. Well, Ace was in charge of compiling all the data. It’s a lot.”